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"For there are eunuchs, who were born so from their mother's womb: and there are eunuchs, who were made so by men: and there are eunuchs, who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. He that can take, let him take it." - St. Matthew 19:12

"Men who are representatives of My Son in His Houses must now gather the flock and replenish their starving souls.  It is apparent, My child, that many care more for filling their coffers than to feed their souls.  The love of money has destroyed many.  The love of power, power for the things of the world, has destroyed many.  You cannot have both.  You will not have this world and the Kingdom of God!  For when you leave over the veil, you will enter the Kingdom of the prince of darkness, or you will join Us with great joy in the Kingdom of the Father.
     "Continence*, My child, is the sacrifice asked by the Father.  You cannot divide yourselves; there must be a full dedication to the will of God.  If you care more for man and cannot turn to the light and follow My Son, you are not a true representative of My Son.  For he who cares more for man cannot give his heart to My Son."  - Our Lady, March 24, 1974

*Cardinal Stickler, writing on the history of clerical celibacy, explains that ”[T]he initial understanding of celibacy, which from the beginning was correctly termed ‘continence’…” (The Case for Clerical Celibacy: Its Historical Development and Theological Foundations, Alfons Maria Cardinal Stickler, p. 13)

"The catechisms--the truth is not being given as given by the Holy  Spirit to mankind.  The truth is going into darkness.  In my city there will be a great meeting of those hierarchy who hold responsibility for these atrocities.  In the good Book, in the books that teach the children, there is much to be restored.
     "Many have entered upon a life of self indulgence.  They no longer understand the value of their calling by living a life of poverty, humility, and chastity.  Strip yourselves now of those trappings of the world that ensnare you and snare your souls, my brothers, and destroy your vocation.
     "The years left to you are few to recover the flock, the sheep that you have scattered.  Awaken now from your slumber, O you of little faith!  The red hats, the purple hats wandering in darkness of spirit!  O my brothers, I am fully aware of your trial; I am fully aware of the errors that have entered upon you.  Your obedience is to the Eternal Father.  No man shall be justified in promoting error and heresy!  I say unto you that you shall be judged in the least!  Turn back, my brothers; you are crumbling the walls.  But Jesus is the foundation, and you shall stand before Him and He shall ask you of an account of your time, and how many souls have be brought to Him?
     "You must all turn back now, get down on your knees, and live a life that strips your human nature of all that has corrupted you.  Restore the truth!"  - Bishop John Neumann, June 6, 1976

"I repeat Myself:  pastors, awaken from your slumber!  You must not offend your God any longer, for He is already too much offended.
     "Pastors and mitres will also fall into hell.  A human soul is but a human soul, and will pass into judgment.  No soul will cross the veil without facing this judgment by the Eternal Father!
     "Do not succumb, My pastors, to the fallacy that all will be forgiven.  For that, is asking too much at this time!  When a man sins, it is a sorrow to the Merciful Heart of the Eternal Father.  But when he leads another into sin, it is an abomination in the eyes of the Eternal Father.  Therefore, pastors, clothe yourselves in good works, modesty, chastity, piety--holiness must be returned to the churches of the world."  - Our Lady, August 21, 1975

"We do not find that you are continuing in your lives prayer and sacrifice--they are becoming a forgotten creed.  I admonish you now that you are not to set yourselves in as a common man.  When I chose you to represent Me as a priest in My House, you are not to make yourselves a common man, for you will not bring the souls into the Kingdom by joining them in their sin!  Yours must be a pure and shining example!  You must follow your vows of chastity and poverty.  Among you, we find little of this being practiced.  You wallow in all the filth of mankind!  You savor all the pleasures of the world and you are breaking the rules of the Father!  These include the Commandments given to mankind!  Wake up now, there is not much time left for you to make atonement!"  - Jesus, August 14, 1974

"My child, you will make it known to the Bishops of My Son's House, those in authority, that they must not compromise.  They do not gather souls by compromising their Faith.  They must stand forth as symbols of chastity, piety and humbleness.  What has become of these virtues in mankind?"  - Our Lady, May 30, 1974

"The dedicated, those who have taken a vow of poverty, chastity, and upholders of the Faith... whatever have you done to your Faith, My children? You have made it, in your struggles, unrecognized to many. You have sown confusion throughout your world with a change. And what change, but from satan, guided to destroy.
     "The foundation of your Faith is My Son, was My Son, and will always be My Son." - Our Lady, May 15, 1976

"Turn back now, for your judgment will be far greater than those given to an ordinary man, for you as a priest of God have been chosen by the Father to represent My Son. And as such, your judgment for misleading and denying the basic truth of your Faith will be far greater!" - Our Lady, October 6, 1974

"My child, make it known to Our priests in My Son's houses upon earth, churches, that We want Our priests to shine forth as pure examples of chastity and holiness. They have been misguided in direction by many superiors, who also follow like sheep to the slaughter, the misdirection of their superiors. It is like a wheel turning, My child, with the fire slowly destroying it."  - Our Lady, June 18, 1974

"Remember, My child and My children, no matter how rough the road gets, you will stay within your parish church. And by good example and many prayers you will bring the priesthood back into the light. Many have lost their way because there are so few who pray for them. Remember, My children, to pray for your clergy, for they are human also and subject to error, mistakes, influence, and sometimes, pure evil. Pray for your priests daily, My children."  - Our Lady, June 17, 1989

"It is the Eternal Father who is the final Judge, but a nun who has left her convent and given herself to the world and seduces a priest, a representative of Christ, to leave his vocation and destroy his soul-that nun shall enter hell!
     "Turn back, if you have been deceived!  The merciful Father shall forgive you if you repent of this great sin!  If you do not repent and return to your vocation and allow the priest whom you have blinded by seduction--if you permit him to remain in his sin, your punishment will be two-fold, for not only have you sinned but you have caused another to sin!
     "A priest is a man of God, chosen solely from the world to be representative of the Son of God, my sisters and brothers.  As a man of God, he brings to you the Body and Blood of your Savior."  - St. Theresa, October 2, 1975

"A duly ordained priest in the House of God shall not remove his habit. He shall not take the badge of honor of his vocation from him. In doing thus, he subjects his soul to contamination from worldly influence.
     "Do you not feel honor for having been chosen from a multitude of souls to be representative of your God upon your world? Have you shame for your vocation? Woe to the man who turns his eyes and heart upon the world and adopts the maxims of the world, all creations of satan!"  - Our Lady, March 25, 1973

"And do not be misled by clergy who have cast off their habits, outwardly and inwardly have cast away the true light.  My children, the habit was always a signification of holiness, piety, dedication in My House, My Church.  But, My children, do not be fooled by those who have fouled their habits.
     "The agents of 666 now are loosed in Rome and have entered into the highest places of the hierarchy.  It will be bishop against bishop, and cardinal against cardinal, till all that remains will come forward out of the cleansing."  - Jesus, July 25, 1977

"High priests of God and foolish virgins who have given themselves to the world, why have you chosen to go down the path to ruination?  Your example have set many on the road to hell!  Are you ashamed to stand forth and wear the habit of your order?  No, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven by entering the world!"  - Our Lady, October 6, 1973

"Holiness and piety! Man--men of God, you must wear your garment of purity, dedication, and piety. What manner of foul deeds do you perform for the destruction of your sheep! For what? Material gain and pride and arrogance? You shall be cast into the abyss! Rank shall give you no advantage when you come over the veil."  - St. Michael, December 24, 1975

"A priest, My children, is a chosen man of God; a true legally ordained priest is far superior than any man, as he represents Me in the Godhead."  - Jesus, May 23, 1979


Pope John Paul II on priestly celibacy
"The heart of the priest, in order that it may be available for this service, must be free. Celibacy is a sign of freedom that exists for the sake of service."  - Pope John Paul II, Letter to Priests, Holy Thursday 1979, art. 8.

Pope Paul VI on priestly celibacy
"The true, profound reason for dedicated celibacy is, as We have said, the choice of a closer and more complete relationship with the mystery of Christ and the Church for the good of all mankind: in this choice there is no doubt that those highest human values are able to find their fullest expression." (#54)
    "The young candidates for the priesthood should convince themselves that they are not able to follow their difficult way without a special type of asceticism which is more demanding than that which is asked of all the other faithful and which is proper to themselves as candidates for the priesthood. We are speaking of an asceticism which is demanding but not suffocating, which consists in the deliberate and assiduous practice of those virtues which distinguish a priest from other men: self-denial in the highest degree-an essential for following Christ."  - Pope Paul VI, On Priestly Celibacy, (Sacerdotalis Coelibatus), 1967, #70.


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March 27, 2010