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"Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!" - St. Matthew 7: 13-14


"Dear children, I have come to lead you from the evil one. You have free will; your Father gave you this. You have chosen to use it not to save yourself. You have the choice to be cast into hell or return to your rightful home with Us.
     "Once, a long time ago, Our Father gave this gift to His people in Heaven, and they, too, used it to no avail. They, too, became arrogant and looked upon the Father with no respect or love. Your world is a wide road traveling in the same direction--away from the Father." - Our Lady, May 30, 1971

"My children, your country, the United States--the civil authorities and civil leaders hold a great measure of responsibility for having your country fall into a pagan way of life, a life without the light. This can only bring death and destruction to your country. Morally you have fallen; spiritually you are blind.
     "My children, the numbers who will be saved shall be counted in the few. Every man, woman, and child of the age with conscience shall be held accountable now for his choice, the narrow road or the wide road: the narrow road leading to Heaven and the wide road leading to damnation and hell.
     "My children, parents, protect your families and your children. Keep the light of faith in their hearts. You cannot now expect nor rely upon My clergy, for many are selling their souls to get to the head! Judases in the House of God. Traitors who have risen and grasped doctrines of demons." - Jesus, July 15, 1978

"Turn away from your satanic diversions, before it is too late! The pleasures blind you to the truth and place you on the wide road, away from My Son.
     "The doors of hell are open wide. Save your soul and those you love. Prayer alone can save you.
     "The light is burning low. Open your hearts to the Holy Spirit. Be guided by the light. Without My Son, you are lost." - Our Lady, July 15, 1970

"All who have received the light will not enter upon the wide road. All who have received the light will pray and do penance for those who are upon the wide road. The forces of satan are now bringing deep darkness into My Son's House and the world. Your times are now far worse than the time of Noe or Sodom. Recognize, My children, how close you are to the end of your era." - Our Lady, September 28, 1972

"My child, there is great sadness in Our hearts, for so many souls are being taken into the abyss. They have destroyed their chances forever to enter into the eternal Kingdom of God.
     "Many of these souls have gone down the wide road because they pursued the lusts of the flesh. If you do not live in the spirit, you will live in the ways of the world. This way is a road to destruction, for satan has now gained control of the wide road." - Our Lady, March 24, 1974

"The Father is not an ogre, My children. He is not one to punish. He will do this only to bring you back to Us.
     "Retire from this world of satan. Wear your sacramentals, and have great hopes that one day the trials will be over. As you choose your side, be sure that you do not take the wide road which leads to your damnation.
     "Make your choice now, for your time is very limited. Sacrifice now for My Son, and you will receive the greatest of rewards. You cannot have both. You will not be rich on this earth and store up your riches in Heaven. You must be poor on this earth, and therefore gather your graces for Heaven." - Our Lady, August 14, 1972

"Arrogance, pride is always the beginning of the end. It is only in the simple hearts of man, the simple hearts, the child-like candor of an adult, that the truth will be found and the way. I am the way! No one shall come to the Father but through Me, for I am the way. All who deny My visit to your world, all who have not accepted Me as the Messiah, they are against Me, and as such, will seek to destroy all who uphold the truth.
     "You will receive your opportunity, each and every individual soul, to make your choice. This time is fast approaching upon you. Have you made your decision? If you accept the wide road and follow those who are against Me, you will never enter into the Kingdom of the Father. For if you do not recognize Me, you do not recognize the Father!" - Jesus, August 5, 1974

"O My children, My Mother has cried bitter tears of anguish, for She has been given full knowledge of what is to be. She has tried to prepare you, to guide you through countless earth-years of time, to counsel you upon the direction to Heaven; but you have chosen in your arrogance and pride to build new religions, even bringing in hedonistic teachings and false gods. For this, My children, you are abandoned to your folly, and as such, you will find that you will be brought to your knees, forced to turn back from the wide road that you have chosen of your own free will.
     "As My Mother counseled you through many earth-years of visitations to you, that when a country gives itself over to Lucifer, discarding all knowledge of true faith and the Commandments of the Eternal Father, that country will be destroyed. The hand that will be set upon your country shall be heavy. My Mother has pleaded your cause to Heaven, but how many have listened to Her? How many have been willing to sacrifice their own selfish desires to save mankind? Too few, My children, I say too few! The balance is heavily to the left, leaving Heaven no recourse but to allow you to continue upon the road to your own destruction." - Jesus, November 24, 1979

"I Who knew the temptations of the world had to fight and struggle as you do, My children, for I am not unaware of your problems. But I have set before you the plan for your salvation. Of free will many have tossed My words, not harkening, aside. They steep themselves in deceit and the pleasures of the flesh, all of a temporal nature, casting aside the truth in knowledge that all life upon your earth must one day come to an end.
     "You all, as human creations of the Father, must return to your Creator and you will be judged as the seed you have sown, as it has flourished and grown a true, straightened stalk with pure waters, a credit to your Creator, in the battle against satan. But, no! Many of you have become weak. You have chosen to go onto the wide road, preferring the pleasures of the flesh and the gain of worldly goods.
     "You will be taken from your earthly life as you entered it, with nothing but the graces you have accumulated or rejected, in your lifetime upon earth. Are you, My children, prepared for this? Have you prepared yourselves and your children? Many of you will not be allowed beyond the years that you expect. You do not know the day nor the hour." - Our Lady, July 1, 1974

"The words of My Son are timeless. They cannot be called outdated. There is no reason to change. The Father never changes the rule. There is, My child, no easy road to the Kingdom. It is a straight but narrow road. Should you wander from this onto the wide road, you will find the road back very difficult.
     "There is in My Son's House a complete casting aside of the knowledge of the supernatural. Know, My children, that it is not a myth or fallacy, the existence of Lucifer and his agents. They are loosed now in full force. You are living in the days, the latter days, as written for you by John. You will read the writings of John, his Revelations, and you will not be in darkness. You will recognize the signs of your times. Your world will be baptized by a great fire. The Ball of Redemption will pass through your world, and many will die in the great flame of this Ball of Redemption." - Our Lady, December 6, 1974

"I have given you the sacramentals and My beads of prayer. Your prayers must now rise to Heaven. I have sought through countless apparitions on your earth--and I have come to many lands--to hold back the darkness. However, man has shut Me out, not only from his earth, but from his heart. How can I keep the heavy hand of punishment from falling upon you when you have chosen to harden your hearts?
     "My child, Veronica, I place great dependence on you and all who have joined in My armies throughout the world to gather the souls. The path of man has gone far from the path that would lead to the Kingdom. He has now traveled the wide road, and this road has brought him to his own destruction.
     "The Father chooses to send upon you first a great manifestation, a Warning. And should you not listen to the voice within you, He will have no recourse but to go forth with the plan for full cleansing. My Son has given you His word; you have received one of the final warnings given to man." - Our Lady, May 10, 1973

"I say unto you, My pastors, hierarchy and priests of all nations: You will follow the rules as given through countless earth-years. My Church, My House has been set up upon earth. I gave the direction. It was a simple way. And you have entered upon the wide road to damnation. Many mitres shall fall into hell! But sadly they will take others with them.
     "The justice of the Eternal Father has charity, gives hope. However, you cannot compromise the Faith. You cannot compromise with evil. There is no middle road between good and evil.

     "I have asked you in the past to refrain from rebuilding My Church into a church for man. I am the foundation! I have set down the rules. And of all the disobedient cries, of disobedience against My little ones, it is you who are disobedient to your God! It is you who have been disobedient to the Vicars I sent to you!" - Jesus, October 6, 1978

"I admonish you all, My children, as the Father in Heaven admonishes you in the Holy Spirit, to do what you can, with your heart and your love of charity, to help others and help them back onto the narrow road. So many have lost their way and are traveling the wide road that leads to hell. Lucifer is upon earth; you understand that his powers are great. That is why you must always test the spirits and say the Saint Michael Exorcism when it is possible. When it is not possible, you will say:
      "Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all evil spirits who roam now throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls." - Jesus, June 18, 1984

"You will find, My children, that since you have received this mark upon you from the Father, you will be most unhappy if you reject the light. You have been chosen among the many. It is not by accident that you have been sent here by the Father. You are all truly children of God.  
     "The world's peoples are wandering, My child, like sheep without a shepherd. We need discipline, disciplined shepherds. We need shepherds who persevere and are fearless for the Faith. Pray, My children, that the light enters into the hearts of many of Our shepherds.
     "They will have much penance and much sacrifice to do, for there are many souls to recover. It is difficult, My child, to return to the narrow path once you have gone onto the wide road." - Our Lady, December 31, 1974

"O My children, how many earth-years have I traveled among you crying to you as your Mother to come back now from the wide road that you have chosen, a road that will take you only to the abyss and banishment and damnation." - Our Lady, March 18, 1978

"You have been warned and you have been warned, and I say unto you, O Red Hats in My House: you will now take stock; you will look about you and take the blindness from your hearts. You will stop filling your coffers at the expense of the loss of My sheep. What does it gain you, O Red Hats, if you gather all the world's treasures and come before Me with not one merit of grace to enter you into My Father's Kingdom?
     "These warnings from Heaven have fallen upon many deafened ears and hardened hearts, but oh, I say unto you: there will be much gnashing of teeth and tears, but too late, too late!
     "Do not travel along the wide road with the fallacy that you can offend your God and then be accepted as you are, a contaminated piece of human humanity with a darkened soul and spirit of evil, that you can enter into the eternal Kingdom of your God. I say no unto you; I will not know you. You will defend My House; you will defend My teachings; you will defend Me; or I say unto you, O Red Hats, I shall not know you!" - Jesus, November 20, 1976

"Do not be misled by the outer clothing of man, for there are many wolves in sheep's clothing, wearing the apparel of rank. Know that many have given themselves to satan.
     "Pray, pray much for those who wear the highest mitres, for they, too, have set themselves onto the road to hell. Your prayers and your acts of sacrifice and those who hear My voice, pray much for the Red Hats that have gone onto the wide road." - Our Lady, October 2, 1974

"Remember there was the time when it was necessary to cast Luciel and his followers from Heaven--Lucifer, who now goads you on to hell with him, upon earth. He had to be cast from Heaven because he, too, became prideful and arrogant, seeking to make himself another living god. This cannot be done. You cannot be above your Creator.
     "No man can live forever in the body upon earth. And when he comes before Us in the spirit, he will be judged for the time he has spent upon earth. If he has not worked for the salvation of his soul and for the glory of Heaven, he will be condemned to hell! Many mitres, bishops, are leaving the narrow road and turning off onto a wide road that is leading them to hell. They start with all good intentions and then they lose the road.
     "I gave you a simple plan with the construction of My House, My Church upon earth. But now you want to reform it, until you will split My House asunder with many denominations, many new denominations. I ask that My Church be universal, apostolic, and the saver of souls. However, there are rules to be followed, doctrines to remain unchanged. Tradition to be withheld.
     "My children, you must now stop these innovations. You have become purveyors of error. You are not bringing the gospels and the truth to My children, My sheep. Tradition must be held! It is the strongest factor within the building of My Church. I am the foundation, but Tradition must be continued. The rules, the Tradition, were given for reason. You were given a plan to follow. You know the truth; you are withholding the truth from My sheep. You are changing the truth for your own reasons, and this reasoning is not guided by the light but by the spirit of darkness." - Jesus, September 7, 1978

"The warnings from Heaven have reached far and wide throughout your earth. Shall your pride and arrogance come before the salvation of souls? Open your ears; reach out for the truth before it is too late. You have been deluded. You shall not follow the doctrines of devils!
     "You shall not follow a man who leads you on a wide road away from truth and your Faith and into the abyss. No man is above the Eternal Father, and no man shall commit his eternal soul into the care of another who has the rank in obedience to destroy this soul. No! No man is a keeper for another soul. Each individual shall stand before the Eternal Father and give an account on his own. The destroyer of souls shall not be there to support him. He had already done his work for satan.
     "Awaken now, each individual soul: man, woman, and child of age of reason. You must think for yourself in the light. You must seek the truth and not give yourself to the doctrines and creations of demons." - Jesus, November 1, 1975

"Do not succumb to the easy road, the wide road to your destruction, because you seek not the things, the graces of the spirit, but you run headlong fast through your world, through your short time, heading fast to eternity while you gather all of the pleasures and all of the material things of your world. And for what? You shall pass over the veil to your judgment the way you came in, with nothing of material value. You must gather your graces and store them now for your repatriation and your entrance into the eternal Kingdom of God the Father in Heaven." - Our Lady, September 7, 1976

"The gates of hell are open wide, but they shall not prevail against the Church of My Son. This He left to you as a guide, as you go on the narrow road and make your way back to the Kingdom. Too many have set themselves on the wide road and given themselves to satan. Oh, the anguish of heart, oh, the gnashing of teeth at that moment when they pass beyond the veil! What does it gain you now if you receive the whole world and lose your soul?
     "Over the veil your life is eternal. Death, My child, is a word that should be stricken from your earthly language. There is no death. Life is eternal. Your body will one day rise anew, and you will be recognizable to each other. But unto that time you are living beyond the veil. There is no death. It is only the enemies of the Father that try to erase this truth from your mind. In this manner they can set you on the road to satan. For they are truly the sons of satan, as they were always the sons of satan, when they killed My Son, too, upon earth.
     "Compromise, My children? What have you to gain when you compromise your Faith? You divide yourselves so that the enemies of God will conquer you." - Our Lady, April 6, 1974

"There are many novelties, there are many abominations and offenses being committed in My Son's houses throughout the world. Man has given himself to experimentation and humanism, and man has not learned from his past or listened to his past Vicars, the Popes of old, who warned of the approach of heresy and modernism. You were given the measures to be guided by to prevent the entrance of the Antichrist into your world and into My Son's Church. But man of God, followers of the cross, you cast the cross down and you stomp upon it!
      "Pastors, shall you stand before My Son, your God, and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? O ye of little faith, you follow like sheep to the slaughter! You carried the truth within your heart, but you now blacken and darken your spirit by taking the wide road, the easy road. You cannot commend your soul to satan by accepting the errors, the heresies, the fallacies, and the lies created by the father of all liars, satan." - Our Lady, February 1, 1977

"My child, you have been much concerned about the dissolvement of many marriages now in your country. It is truly a sad happening among mankind, My child, for it is the hand of satan reaching in and capturing the souls of many. What God has joined together in holy Matrimony, let no man place asunder. The liberal attitudes now prevalent in My Son's House bring many tears to Our hearts, for they will lead many souls onto the road to hell.
     "Accept your cross, My children, as you struggle through your life with your spouse. When you are united in the holy bond of Matrimony, you are responsible for the soul of your spouse. Unto death shall you part, and only unto death will you part.
     "Many of Our children now have entered upon the wide road leading to hell and purgatory. And why? Because too few pray for them. And they have now fallen into line with many false teachers.
     "When a union in Matrimony is blessed by My Son through a legitimate, legally-ordained priest, His representative, no man shall take it upon himself for worldly gain, money, prestige, and power, to break the tie that has bound them together by Heaven!" - Our Lady, May 15, 1976

"Mankind, the children of earth, have become obsessed with the pleasures of the flesh. Their eyes are blinded, so that they have taken themselves onto the wide road leading to the abyss.
     "Many voices in the light, governed by the Spirit from Heaven, have cried out the warnings to prepare, prepare for the great trial that lies ahead for an unrepentant generation. The Father, your Creator, He does not seek to set upon you the fiery cataclysm. However, it will be the great and eventual destiny of mankind, if he does not heed the warnings from Heaven.
     "I have come, My children, as a Mediatrix from the Father and My Son, to warn you that you must turn now from your present course. It is a course that offends the Father very much, for you have allowed yourselves to be governed in error and deceit." - Our Lady, June 15, 1974

"My Mother has not been sent to set fear in your heart, but to warn you of the coming Chastisement and to give you the extension of time for preparation of your souls and the souls of your children. Heed this warning now and act upon it.
     "When a soul is lost, he will have been lost of his own free will. Graces are given to you in abundance. Should you cast them aside or refuse to accept them in your blindness, you shall fall fast into darkness and go onto the wide road to your destruction. Pray a constant vigilance of atonement." - Jesus, December 28, 1974

"My Son died a cruel death upon His cross for you. He could not die for all, for only many have made themselves ready to come across the veil. Though We wished in Our hearts, all of Heaven wished that man would all turn from his ways, ways that offend the Eternal Father much, and return onto the narrow road that will lead him directly back to the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven--however, man has chosen to set himself upon the wide road filled with earthly pleasures. The sins of the flesh are condemning many to hell, My children." - Our Lady, April 1, 1978

"Learn a simple lesson from the past, My children. When the morals of a country start to go down into darkness, and the teachings turn from God to man, that country will soon be ended. First the spiritual life and then the material life of your country shall be destroyed.
      "Accept your cross, My children. Carry it well, for it is only a short and narrow road to the eternal Kingdom, and when you choose to drop your cross and go onto the wide road it is very difficult, My children, to return. Better that you persevere in truth and in faith." - Jesus, October 2, 1976

"Satan has entered into the highest places in your civil life, My child, and in the houses of My Son throughout your world. His reign will be short in earth-years. I have not come to your earth to fill you with fear. I have come to prepare you for the days of trial.
     "For countless earth-years I have chosen to give you the plan for your salvation. Should you cast this plan aside, you will enter onto the wide road which leads to your destruction. It is of your free will that you will give your soul to satan, or you will lead it onto the path of light. The road to satan is easy in your human nature, but Heaven is earned very hard. Many are called, but so few are chosen.   
     "It will not be an easy road, My children, to follow My Son. There are days of great persecution approaching. Persevere and the Kingdom of Heaven will be yours." - Our Lady, April 13, 1974


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