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Experts to expose true legacy of 50 years of the pill


"The encyclical of Pope Paul VI on birth control is true and must be followed by mankind. There shall be no rationalization of sin.” - Our Lady of the Roses, October 2, 1976

LifeSiteNews.com reported on November 12, 2010:

As the hormonal birth control pill celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, experts in the medical, ethical, and legal fields are coming together to challenge Congress and the country to face mounting evidence of the drug's devastating social and medical repercussions.

A conference hosted by Human Life International (HLI) America entitled “50 Years of 'The Pill' in America: A Comprehensive Analysis,” to be held in the Hyatt Regency Washington in the nation's capital on December 3, will host speakers talking about various aspects of contraceptive use. 

The conference is advertised as a series of "analyses of how America has changed demographically, legally, socially, politically, culturally and ethically because of 'The Pill.'"

Jenn Giroux, executive director of HLI America, told LifeSiteNews.com that the conference was a timely response to the mainstream media's one-sided representation of a drug that has deeply altered the face of American society.

At the event bioethics expert Dr. Theresa Deisher will speak on the ethical slippery slope created by the pill, while breast cancer surgeon Dr. Angela Lanfranchi will outline the alarming correspondence of pill use and the increasing prevalence of breast cancer in younger women. Former Kansas attorney general Phill Kline, known for his work investigating the practice of late-term abortionist George Tiller, will discuss the possible legal ramifications of administering the birth control pill to minors, a large percentage of whom statistics have shown to be victims of sexual abuse by older men.

Other speakers include Prof. Janet Smith, Chair of Life Ethics at Sacred Heart Major Seminary; Dr. John Bruchalski, founder of the Tepeyac Family Center; Jennifer Lahl, founder and president of the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, and Patricia Bainbridge, author and Chairman of the Board of Human Life International.

Now that so much information on the drug has become available, said Giroux, she expressed a conviction that "the next 50 years of the birth control is a whole different story than the first 50 years."

"The World Health Organization classified the pill as a class a-1 carcinogen in the same category as asbestos and cigarettes," she said. "If that's true, why are we allowing these young 12 year olds to be put on this in the name of cramps and in the name of acne [treatment]?"

Leaders will also host a press conference calling for congressional hearings into the drug's detrimental effects. "It's time to drive hormonal birth control ads off of TV in the name of women's health," said Giroux.

Giroux also called upon other pro-life and conservative leaders to step up to the fight against the birth control pill. "It's no longer a Catholic issue. It's a women's health issue. These health issues visit women of all faiths," she said. "We have got to be strong in the defense of w omen's health and not be afraid to take this on."

To register for the conference click here.


Vatican: Use of Morning After Pills "Fall Within the Sin of Abortion" - Will Catholic Hospitals Now Stop Using them for Rape Victims?


LifeSiteNews.com reported on December 18, 2008:

In the December 12 document Dignitatis Personae, the Vatican has condemned the use of morning after pills as falling "within the sin of abortion," and thus being "gravely immoral."

LifeSiteNews.com has reported often in the last few years that many Catholic hospitals in North America offer the morning after pill to women who are or claim to be victims of rape. Bishop Elio Sgreccia who assisted in the preparation of Dignitatis Personae, noted in an interview with LifeSiteNews.com last February that there is no exception for rape.
The morning after pill (MAP) is a drug that can be taken within 72 hours after intercourse, which works to inhibit ovulation and also to weaken the lining of the uterus, thus causing the already conceived child to die.  The document calls MAP an "interceptive," meaning that it interferes "with the embryo before implantation." 

Dignitatis Personae cautions that "in order to promote wider use of interceptive methods, it is sometimes stated that the way in which they function is not sufficiently understood."  The document adds: "It is true that there is not always complete knowledge of the way that different pharmaceuticals operate, but scientific studies indicate that the effect of inhibiting implantation is certainly present, even if this does not mean that such interceptives cause an abortion every time they are used, also because conception does not occur after every act of sexual intercourse."
The Bishops of Connecticut, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Colorado, New York, California and Washington permit their hospitals to administer the morning after pill to rape victims.  While some of the hospitals require an ovulation test prior to the drug's administration, most only require a simple pregnancy test.  Since a simple pregnancy test cannot detect pregnancy until usually a week after fertilization, the test is practically useless in determining a pregnancy resulting from a sexual encounter within 72 hours previous to its administration.
Thus, Catholic hospitals in dioceses like those in Connecticut where the morning after pill (Plan B) is administered to rape victims with only a simple pregnancy test will find themselves out of step with the Vatican in this latest statement.  Dignitatis Personae states: "It must be noted, however, that anyone who seeks to prevent the implantation of an embryo which may possibly have been conceived and who therefore either requests or prescribes such a pharmaceutical, generally intends abortion."
Some have suggested that there is a Catholic exception to the use of the morning after pill when dealing with rape victims.  However, in a February interview with LifeSiteNews.com the then-head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Bishop Elio Sgreccia, said that there was no exception to the use MAPs.
LifeSiteNews.com asked Bishop Sgreccia if there was an exception in cases of rape.  He replied: "No.  It is not able to prevent the rape. But it is able to eliminate the embryo.  It is thus the second negative intervention on the woman (the first being the rape itself)." (see coverage http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/feb/08022906.html )
See the full document Dignitatis Personae here:



"We warned you over and over again, through years of visitations upon earth--My Mother going to and fro to warn you, that those who have given themselves over to debasement, by the practice of homosexuality, birth control, abortion and all other aberrations that bring sorrow to My Mother's heart--this must be stopped now. There shall be no excuse accepted in Heaven by the saints, nor by My Mother and I, or the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost, for what you are doing upon earth now." - Jesus, June 6, 1987 

“Permissiveness shall not be accepted by your God. Sin is sin; there is no compromise for sin. Mortal sin is a grievous offense to the Eternal Father. The Commandments shall be followed without permissiveness.” – Jesus, November 21, 1977

Vatican: “The Church has always taught the intrinsic evil of contraception”

"The Church has always taught the intrinsic evil of contraception, that is, of every marital act intentionally rendered unfruitful. This teaching is to be held as definitive and irreformable."

- "Vademecum for Confessors: Concerning Some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life," #4, Vatican Pontifical Council for the Family, March 1, 1997. 

"From the ethical standpoint the same absolute unlawfulness of abortifacient procedures also applies to distributing, prescribing and taking the morning-after pill. All who, whether sharing the intention or not, directly co-operate with this procedure, are also morally responsible for it."

- “Statement on the So-Called Morning After Pill,” Vatican Pontifical Council for Life, October 31, 2000. 


"It is not possible to anesthetize the conscience, for example, when it comes to molecules whose aim is to stop an embryo implanting or to cut short someone's life... I invite your federation [of pharmacists] to consider conscientious objection which is a right that must be recognized for your profession so you can avoid collaborating, directly or indirectly, in the supply of products which have clearly immoral aims, for example abortion or euthanasia..."

- Pope Benedict XVI, address to Catholic Pharmacists, October 29, 2007



On June 5, 1987, Pope John Paul II warned clergy and theologians of their grave obligation to faithfully transmit the Church’s teaching on contraception:  “A grave responsibility derives from this: those who place themselves in open conflict with the law of God, authentically taught by the Church, guide spouses along a false path. The Church’s teaching on contraception does not belong to the category of matter open to free discussion among theologians. Teaching the contrary amounts to leading the moral consciences of spouses into error.”

- "The Church's teaching on contraception is not a matter for free discussion among theologians," L'Osservatore Romano, July 6, 1987, p. 12.

On September 17, 1983, Pope John Paul II told priests in Rome that “contraception is to be judged objectively so profoundly unlawful as never to be, for any reason, justified. To think or to say the contrary is equal to maintaining that, in human life, situations may arise in which it is lawful not to recognize God as God.”

- quotation from “The Papal Talk of 17 Sept.,” The [Hartford] Catholic Transcript, David Q. Liptak, January 20, 1984.

"In fact, just as man does not have unlimited dominion over his body in general, so also, with particular reason, he has no such dominion over his generative faculties as such, because of their intrinsic ordination towards raising up life, of which God is the principle. 'Human life is sacred,' Pope John XXIII recalled; 'from its very inception it reveals the creating hand of God.'
     "In conformity with these landmarks in the human and Christian vision of marriage, we must once again declare that the direct interruption of the generative process already begun, and, above all, directly willed and procured abortion, even if for therapeutic reasons, are to be absolutely excluded as licit means of regulating birth.
     "Equally to be excluded, as the teaching authority of the Church has frequently declared, is direct sterilization, whether perpetual or temporary, whether of the man or of the woman. Similarly excluded is every action which, either in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible."

- Pope Paul VI, encyclical Humanae Vitae, July 25, 1968 (#13-14).



Asked what he would do if pushed on the issue by the state, Bishop Sheridan indicated that he would likely rather have the Church pull out of hospitals than compromise the faith.  "If I personally were being pushed on this and had to make the decision by myself, I'd have to question whether or not we could continue that particular ministry if the state were going to force us to act contrary to Catholic teaching, to the Catholic conscience," he told LifeSiteNews.com.

     Bishop Sheridan concluded, "How could you continue to call yourself Catholic if you were doing things that were contrary to Catholic teaching even if you were being forced by the state to do them?" 

- “Colorado Springs Bishop Says He Does Not and Would Not Permit Plan B in Catholic Hospitals”, LifeSiteNews.com, October 10, 2007.  


The truth is that there is absolutely no doubt about how the Plan B pills work. Just ask the manufacturer, Barr Pharmaceuticals, whose product insert states: "This product works mainly by preventing ovulation (egg release). It may also prevent fertilization of a released egg (joining of sperm and egg) or attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus (implantation)." (My italics.) It's that third item that makes Plan B an abortion-causing drug. The same can be said for every chemical contraceptive.  

- Human Life International President: "Plan A: Keep 'Plan B' out of Catholic hospitals", LifeSiteNews.com,
October 5, 2007.

“The Vatican did not need to invent any new teaching on the Plan B pills because these pills fall into the category of abortifacient contraception, pure and simple. The consistent teaching of our Church on abortion applies here.”

- Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer, quotation from “A ‘seriously flawed’ decision in Connecticut,” The [Los Angeles] Tidings, October 19, 2007.  


"Abortion and euthanasia are thus crimes which no human law can claim to legitimize. There is no obligation in conscience to obey such laws; instead there is a grave and clear obligation to oppose them by conscientious objection." 

- Pope John Paul II, encyclical The Gospel of Life, #73, March 25, 1995.

"The [abortion] excommunication affects all those who commit this crime with knowledge of the penalty attached, and thus includes those accomplices without which the crime would not have been committed."




Directives from Heaven

D23 - Abortion  PDF LogoPDF
D164 - Heresy  PDF LogoPDF
D196 - Life Begins at Conception   PDF LogoPDF


Australia's Cardinal Pell: Dispels "heresy" that Catholics can approve contraception "in good conscience"

Contraception is intrinsically evil




Contraception: Fatal to the Faith and to Eternal Life,  John A. Hardon, S.J.

Is Contraception Gravely Sinful Matter? by Fr Lino Ciccone CM (from L'Osservatore Romano, 4 December 1996)

Faithfulness to the Divine Plan in the Transmission of Life Pope John Paul II's General Audience (8 August 1984)

Humanae Vitae Pope Paul VI - Encyclical - On the Regulation of Births (25 July 1968)

Contraception Versus Abortion: A Comparison and Some Implications, By Msgr. Vincent Foy, PhD.

Contraception and Catholic Teaching, Donald DeMarco, Ph.D.

God and the Pill, Terence J. Hughes

Abortifacients, Charles M. Mangan


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