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Santorum: 'Separation of Church and State' Meant to Protect Church from Gov't, Not Vice Versa


"You must remember, as man goes about the world crying 'peace, love, and brotherhood,' he sets up governments liberalizing the masses, called socialism. And it does not operate under the true cross of My Son, Jesus, but is used as a front to entice like a spider with his web those unsuspecting souls who are looking for peace--peace of heart, peace of spirit, which they cannot find in their present world because the leaders have fallen asleep.” - Our Lady of the Roses, November 25, 1978


LifeSiteNews.com reported on September 13, 2010:

"I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute" - these words of U.S. President John F. Kennedy helped bring about today's "privatization of faith," which allows politicians to rationalize away their abandonment of moral principles in the public square, according to former U.S. senator Rick Santorum.

In a speech last Thursday at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas Santorum contemplated the consequences of Kennedy's famous words, just before the fiftieth anniversary of the late president's address. His remarks were published in full by Catholic Online Monday.

The former U.S. senator pointed out the problems that arise from Kennedy's appeal to a  "conscience" that is free off religious influences. The late president stated: "Whatever issue should come before me as President, if I should be elected, on birth control, divorce, censorship, gambling or any other subject I will make my decision ... in accordance with what my conscience tells me to be in the national interest and without regard to outside religious pressure or dictates."

"I too use my conscience as a guide, but you are not born with a competent conscience; it is formed and continues to be formed by something and reflects that formation," said Santorum. "If faith in objective and eternal truths is no longer going to inform your conscience what moral code will? And where does that code come from? And what is the basis of its authority? Doesn't the public have a right to know? Yet Kennedy's followers never tell us.”

Santorum also pointed out that according to current standards, consciences that are not rooted in faith "can be permitted to freely apply their ideas in making laws and deciding cases." But, he continued, "On the other hand, consciences rooted in a belief in God are free to apply their ideas to personal matters; but if your beliefs, in the words of my former senate colleague Chuck Schumer, are 'deeply held beliefs' that impact your public positions - they must be excluded."

Santorum took as an example the infamous speech of former New York Governor Mario Cuomo at the University of Notre Dame in 1984. Cuomo had justified his support of abortion laws despite his Catholic faith by declaring that, while privately opposed to the killing of the unborn, he would not impose his belief on others, who may believe differently. "This political hand washing made it easier for Catholics to be in public life, but it also made it harder for Catholics to be Catholic in public life," said Santorum.

"Cuomo's safe harbor is nothing more than a camouflage for the faint of heart - a cynical sanctuary for concealing true convictions from the public, and for rationalizing a reluctance to defend them. Kennedy, Cuomo and their modern day disciples on the secular left would resolve any conflict between religion and politics by relegating faith to the closet."

While Kennedy's famous speech was intended to assuage fears that the pope would influence the Catholic president's administration, Santorum said that, by twisting the original meaning of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, Kennedy's words "sealed off informed moral wisdom into a realm of non rational beliefs that have no legitimate role in political discourse."

"On that day, Kennedy chose not just to dispel fear, he chose to expel faith," he said.

The notion that religion should not influence government was introduced relatively late in American political history; the original intention behind the so-called "separation of church and state," he explained, was to protect religion from the government, not the other way around. "Kennedy's misuse of the phrase constructed a high barrier that ultimately would keep religious convictions out of politics in a place where our founders had intended just the opposite," he said.

But ultimately, he said, the freedom of religion and conscience - which Kennedy's promises end up threatening, rather than aiding - "is the trunk from which all other branches of freedom on our great tree of liberty get their life. Cut down the trunk and the tree of liberty will die and in its place will be only the barren earth of tyranny."

Therefore, said the former senator, Americans should fight against the forces that antagonize people of faith, in order to preserve the virtue that is fed by faith and leads to true liberty. He quoted political philosopher Edmund Burke, who explained that "Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites ... Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without."

"Virtue requires faith because faith is the primary teacher of morality. That is not to say that one cannot be virtuous without faith, but for society as a whole faith is the indispensable agent of virtue," said Santorum. "Faith requires freedom."



US Catholic Preacher Fr. Corapi: "socialism is not in conformity with biblical teaching" 


LifeSiteNews.com reported on May 4, 2010:

Speaking to a crowd of more than 7,000 faithful during an intense day-long event in St. Louis on Saturday, renowned Catholic preacher Fr. John Corapi warned, "The day for fence-sitting is over; the days to be a lukewarm Catholic are rapidly coming to an end." 

In a wide-ranging discourse, sponsored by the international Catholic businessmen's organization Legatus, Corapi called Christians to task for dropping the ball and losing the culture to "neo-pagan" elements.

"The unraveling of Christianity has led to the unraveling of the world," he explained. "We are at war [for souls], so we don't have the luxury to sit on our complacent rear ends."

Urging attendees to examine the current political climate, he said that "socialism is not in conformity with biblical teaching. Socialism doesn't profit the poor, but only brings poverty and misery. Socialism is about the seizure of power. It only brings everyone down to the lowest common denominator."

In his final segment, Fr. Corapi said that in all of his years as a priest, he's never seen such fear in people. "There's a lot of anxiety, a lack of trust in government, elected and appointed officials. There's a crisis of trust," he said. Then quoting from the Gospels of Mark and Luke, he advised "fear is useless; what is needed is trust."

Fr. Corapi's biography on his website states that his life experiences went "From small town boy to the Vietnam era US Army, from successful businessman in Las Vegas and Hollywood to drug addicted and homeless, to religious life and ordination to the priesthood by Pope John Paul II, to a life as a preacher of the Gospel who has reached millions." Corapi regularly appears on the EWTN television network.

Patrick Novecosky is Legatus Magazine's editor.

This is a condensed, edited version of a lengthier article by Patrick Novecosky on Fr. Corapi's  St. Louis Talk.

See related LifeSiteNews articles:Fr. John Corapi on the Cause of Today's Meltdown of Western Civilization

Famed Fr. Corapi Calls Canadian Bishops' Dissent from Humanae Vitae "Catastrophic"

Fr. Corapi, Cardinal Newman Society Launch Prayer Campaign for Notre Dame "Travesty" on National Day of Prayer

Father Corapi on the "Flash Point" in Western Society

Death Wish: The Impending Suicide of a Once Great Nation By Rev. John A. Corapi



Glenn Beck on President Obama’s Deep Socialist Roots


"You must remember, as man goes about the world crying 'peace, love, and brotherhood,' he sets up governments liberalizing the masses, called socialism. And it does not operate under the true cross of My Son, Jesus, but is used as a front to entice like a spider with his web those unsuspecting souls who are looking for peace--peace of heart, peace of spirit, which they cannot find in their present world because the leaders have fallen asleep.” - Our Lady of the Roses, November 25, 1978


LifeSiteNews.com reported on April 7, 2010:

Conservative commentator Glenn Beck revealed evidence which he says shows that President Obama’s upbringing was steeped in socialism - the primary political ideology Beck contends formed the man who has made clear he intends to “fundamentally transform America.”

While Beck emphasized repeatedly on his FOX television program that he was not attacking Obama’s family, he said that Americans should know the philosophical foundations of Obama’s life and that “the tragedy of this kid’s childhood is staggering."

“His parents seemed to place radical politics over everything else, including their little boy,” said Beck. “How many of us have been abandoned for a Marxist political theory or politics? This didn’t happen to little Barack Obama once, but twice, by both parents.”

Obama’s father, Barack Obama, Sr., Beck described as “a committed communist,” who left his son at the tender age of two to pursue his Harvard education as an economist and then return to Kenya as a bureaucrat. The Senior Obama advised Kenya’s government to redistribute income by higher taxes, and would also quote Marx to express his distrust of the capitalist system. 

Regarding Stanley Ann Dunham, the U.S. president's mother, Beck said that a friend of Dunham described her as a “fellow traveler” – a code word for committed Marxists – and she was alleged to be a practitioner of “critical theory,” which Beck described as “Marx to the extreme.”

Beck pointed out that Obama himself described his mother in his autobiography Dreams of My Father as “the dominant figure in my formative years,” and said that “The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the words of politics.” 

“I’m sure she was a great mom,” Beck said of Dunham, but he emphasized that the passage showed that his mother had a critical ideological influence on Obama and his political vision.

Dunham moved from Hawaii to Indonesia, and later left her son with her parents in order to pursue a life for herself in Pakistan, according to the pundit.

Although Obama portrayed his mother’s parents in his autobiography as “conservative Methodists and Baptists from Kansas,” Beck said that the available evidence revealed a different story. 

Beck said Obama’s grandparents, who raised Obama while he was in high school, actually attended the Eastshore Unitarian Church in Bellevue, Washington - a hotbed of radical leftists. He said the church was described by the Chicago Tribune as the “little red church on the hill,” and that communist John Stenhouse “also happened to serve as the church president - possibly contributing to the ‘red’ label.”

In addition, said Beck, Barack’s grandfather introduced Obama to a Black communist to be his personal mentor. Obama would only identify the mentor in his autobiography as “Frank,” but Beck pointed to a New Zealand blogger who claimed to discover that Obama was referring to Frank Marshall Davis, “a black poet and a communist with an FBI file.”

“It is amazing to me, this kid didn’t have a chance to be rooted in the Founding Fathers, this guy doesn’t have a chance to actually think anything but radical thoughts based on everybody in his life so far,” exclaimed Beck.

Again, Beck pointed to Obama’s autobiography where he includes “the Marxist professors” among those friends whom he said he chose carefully.

Beck concluded that the trajectory of Obama’s life shows the President has always been influenced mainly by Marxist/socialist theory, even in the selection of his church, which he attended for over 20 years: Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church, which espoused “black liberation theology – Marxism.” 

“When, when did he change?” said Beck, arguing that no evidence exists to even indicate how, when, or why Obama would have had a fundamental political conversion from his Marxist/socialist roots.

“When you build the house, the first thing you do is pour a foundation. He wants to fundamentally transform this county. He is the architect and they are building something,” concluded Beck.

“We know what his foundation is. What is he building on that foundation?”  

See the full video segment from FOX News’ Glenn Beck program here.



Friedrich Engels, saw three major obstacles to the socialist vision: “private property, religion and this present form of marriage”

The Victory of Socialism?

LifeSiteNews.com reported on January 4, 2010:

The Economist marked the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall with the headline “So much gained, so much to lose.” As we celebrate the collapse of Communism, who would have imagined that in less than one generation we would witness a resurgence of socialism throughout Latin America and even hear the word socialist being used to describe policies in the United States.

We relegated socialism to the “dustbin of history,” but socialism never actually died. In many ways it has actually gained influence. That may sound reactionary, even McCarthyist — but only until we understand socialism the way socialists understand it.

Yes, socialist economic ideas went out of fashion, but socialism has always been more than just economics. We tend to equate socialism with Communism, Marxist revolutionaries and state ownership of industry. But socialism is a much broader vision of the person, society, equality and what it means to be free.

Karl Marx’s co-author, Friedrich Engels, saw three major obstacles to the socialist vision: “private property, religion and this present form of marriage.” Also central to socialist thought is a secular and materialist vision of the world that espouses relativism, sees everything politically, and locates genuine community in the state and not in families, churches or voluntary organizations.

The fall of Communism and two decades of globalization did not extinguish socialist hopes. The tactics changed, but the goals remained. Proponents of socialism traded in revolution for the gradualism of the Fabian socialists who encouraged use of democratic institutions to achieve socialist goals. They replaced political radicals like Lenin and Castro with the cultural Marxism of Theodore Adorno or Antonio Gramsci, who called for a “long march through the institutions” of Western culture.

This is the pedigree of Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers and the various ’60s revolutionaries who now inhabit positions of cultural influence throughout the West. We are seeing the fruit of their efforts: Socialist visions of family, religion, art, community, commerce, and politics pervade the culture.

I’m not suggesting that Americans or Europeans live in socialist states. That would trivialize the suffering of those who lived behind the Iron Curtain. Rather, I am suggesting that socialist ideas have transformed the way many of us think about a host of important things. Ideas considered radical only 75 years ago are now considered quite normal and even respectable.

Look, for instance, at co-habitation rates and the number of people who “do not believe in marriage” or view it as a “bourgeois” institution. Directly or indirectly, they got those ideas from people like Engels and Adorno, who argued that “the institution of marriage is raised… [on] barbaric sexual oppression, which tendentially compels the man to take lifelong responsibility for someone with whom he once took pleasure in sleeping with.” The same-sex “marriage” movement and hostility to the traditional family follow Engels’ goal to destroy “this present form of marriage.”

In other realms we see increasing secularization, religion being equated with intolerance, and decreasing religious practice. Look at the common acceptance of ethical and cultural relativism and the fear of making truth claims lest one be labeled an extremist. Look at the unquestioned supremacy of the materialist and Darwinist thought that dominates the scientific community — or the political correctness that pervades language. Look at our public school system, increasingly focused on indoctrination rather than education. We joke that the universities are the last bastion of Marxism. But who do we think writes the textbooks that teach primary and high school students? The “long march through the institutions” has been more successful than its early advocates could have dreamed.

Of course it would be simplistic to blame socialism for all that ails the West. But socialism has been the principle vehicle of many of these ideas, carrying them into the mainstream.

So how is it that, after such dramatic failures, socialism continues to allure? Perhaps because — as future Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, wrote — the Marxist dream of radical liberation still captures the modern imagination.

It’s a dream that will always betray because sustained liberty requires a certain moral culture: one that respects truth and conforms to it; one that recognizes the inherent dignity and spiritual nature of the person; one that respects the role of the family and encourages a rich and varied civil society; one that acknowledges that culture and religion are more important than politics; one that respects rule of law over the arbitrary rule of men and rejects utopian delusions; one that recognizes that the difference between right and wrong is not determined by majority, consensus or fashion; and, finally, one that recognizes that the ultimate source of liberty is God and not the state.

The fall of Communism in Eastern Europe was one of the great victories for human freedom. But while the East suffered untold misery, perhaps it was too easy a victory for us in the West. We were lulled into thinking that socialism had been discredited, had lost its allure — that free market economies and abundant goods were sufficient to satisfy human desires. Perhaps we should have listened more closely to those like John Paul II or Alexander Solzhenitsyn who warned us about an empty materialism, an insidious relativism and a vitiated culture.

The challenges of socialist thought are real. But there is hope. There is hope in the resurgent resistance to the unprecedented growth of government. There is hope in the millions of families who work hard and in the thousands who make sacrifices for freedom every day. As we mark the victory of freedom and the collapse of applied socialism, let us not come to a point where we look back with regret that we forfeited such a precious gift. Let us build anew a culture of ordered liberty. Let us learn from those who suffered. Let us recover the wisdom that comes from our faith and our Founders and hold fast to the fragile light of liberty.

Michael Miller is the Director of Programs at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty in Grand Rapids, Michigan  

(This article was originally published in the December 2009 /January 2010 edition of Legatus magazine and is republished with permission)  



Santorum: The Triumph of Socialism in U.S. Requires Destruction of Family and Church

"What, O what, My children, can you expect from the Eternal Father? My Son constantly pleads your cause before the Eternal Father. However, the time is growing short. That's why, My child, I brought you here this evening in your debilitated state, as an act of mercy to the world, to turn from their path of destruction. Your nation, the United States, shall fall to the despot, and you will be all enslaved by him!
     "I know, My children, many of you who hear My voice or My words will say, 'How can this happen to us?' But We heard that, the Eternal Father has said Himself that He heard that many years ago when He sent prophets to warn Sodom and Gomorrha, and they, too, did not listen." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1992

 LifeSiteNews.com reported on October 16, 2009:

Both the family and the Church stand in the way of socialism's triumph, former US Senator Rick Santorum told Christians gathered for the 17th International Week of Prayer and Fasting last week. The pro-life champion warned attendees, however, that both institutions are under heavy attack from Obama-administration policies.

"We are under a great assault with this President and this Congress on the issue of life. We are under a great assault, maybe even greater assault, on the foundational issue of the family," Santorum told those gathered for the October 11 dinner at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.

Santorum said that the left's policies, especially those policies aggressively set forward by the Obama administration, target the family and Christian churches for "destruction," because these institutions provide local social networks and support for individuals that take away the need for total dependence on central government. To eliminate these social networks means the triumph of socialism, and that means attacking marriage and Christian churches.

"There will be an assault on the institution of marriage," Santorum promised his audience. "Why? Because the left knows that they can't really have government come in and take control of everything unless they destroy the family. Unless you destroy the family and destroy the Church they cannot ultimately be successful in getting socialism to be accepted in this country and that's what their objective is."

Santorum asked everyone to pray in these times for those in public office, for those discerning whether to run for office in 2010, as well as "for those who are out protesting and understand that there is something foundationally wrong with what's been going on here."

But Santorum added that Christians must pray hard for the United States in the current battle over health-care, because the proposed reform has grave problems that go beyond the "major issues" of abortion coverage and the lack of conscience protection clauses.

"There is another huge issue out there and that's just the whole concept of socialized medicine," said Santorum.

Santorum argued that Obama's reforms will transform health-care into "an account in the federal government" in which "accountants" or Congress will determine how much healthcare an individual gets "as part of our budgetary process."

Once the health-care of individuals is totally dependent on the central government, the left has secured power, Santorum explained.

"You say, 'well the Catholic bishops are for that,'" continued Santorum. "Well, I'd say a couple of things. Number one, shame on them."

At that moment, a round of applause erupted from the dinner guests.

Although a handful of Catholic bishops have taught that the government reform violates Catholic social teaching for the reasons Santorum mentioned, the US Catholic bishops conference in general has indicated that it would be willing to support government-run health-care, so long as the reform does not subsidize abortion or violate conscience protections for health-care workers.

But the former Pennsylvania senator concluded that the individual - when covered by government insurance - loses real health-care, the treatment he needs, in the name of cutting costs.

Santorum pointed out that the course of socialized medicine in Europe, and the Netherlands in particular, give an opportunity to "see what happens to the value of human life in those countries."

In particular, those who suffer denial of treatment or rationing of care under socialized medicine are "those on the margins of life." These include those born "premature with disabilities … those who are at the end of life" and "those who have complex diseases or chronic care."

"These people, their lives are not valued," stated Santorum. "Why? Because of agencies that determine how much money is spent and based on how long you're going to live or the quality of life you are going to live. That's how accountants do these things. That's how members of Congress will have to do these things. Is this a good expenditure of our money or not? This happens every day in Europe."

Santorum explained that Americans need to wake up to the fact that nothing in the American DNA insulates them from committing the same moral evils as the Europeans.

The Netherlands, "the most liberal country in Europe" today, Santorum said, is the only country that "did not go along with the Nazi doctors in doing sterilizations and abortions" and suffered persecution for it.

"And yet, within two generations, as a result of socialized medicine and the government's attempt to contain costs, doctors were turned into accountants," said Santorum.

Now in the name of cutting costs, Dutch doctors counsel assisted suicide, deny care to premature-born babies under 25 weeks, and euthanize children born disabled. 

"This is the custom and the practice in socialized medicine countries, who have limits on budgets. It is simply too expensive to do it any other way," reiterated Santorum.

"And so I say again to the Catholic Bishops: 'what are you thinking when you support government medicine?'"

Earlier in the evening, Santorum accepted on behalf of him, his wife Karen, and his family the "Family for Life Award."

Santorum is no stranger to fighting for the right-to-life and for these rights in health-care: both on political and personal levels. Last year, he and his wife welcomed into their family their now 17-month-old daughter "Bella," who was born with Trisomy 18, a genetic disorder which is fatal before birth in 90 per cent of cases. Along the way, the Santorums fought to guarantee Bella's health-care against health-care providers hostile to her right to life, because she was born with a disability.

Santorum was asked recently if he would consider seriously a run for US President in 2012. Santorum revealed that while he was indeed "thinking about it," he was "not sure" and asked for continued prayers while he discerns.

See related coverage by LifeSiteNews.com:

Santorum Admits to Pondering Run for Republican Presidential Nomination - Asks for Prayers 

"The Damage Done is Profound": Former Senator Santorum Speaks on the Kennedy Funeral 

U.S. Bishops Will "Vigorously" Oppose Health Care if Abortion Concerns Not Addressed 

Vatican Cardinal: Health of Citizens "Belongs" to Central Government - Several US Bishops Disagree 

Another Bishop Says ObamaCare Violates Catholic Social Teaching 



"You must remember, as man goes about the world crying 'peace, love, and brotherhood,' he sets up governments liberalizing the masses, called socialism. And it does not operate under the true cross of My Son, Jesus, but is used as a front to entice like a spider with his web those unsuspecting souls who are looking for peace--peace of heart, peace of spirit, which they cannot find in their present world because the leaders have fallen asleep.” - Our Lady of the Roses, November 25, 1978

"I hear all cries of peace, peace, and security, going throughout your world, My children. But there is no peace, there is no security. And your country, the United States of America, the great eagle has been plucked by satan and his agents. You see lying now before you a majestic eagle, the once proud symbol of America, fallen because of paganism and sin.
     "It is known through history that once a country has given itself over to all manner of paganism and sin, it is not long before that country falls into a system of dictatorship, bringing great sorrow, even murder to the masses.” – Jesus, May 26, 1979 

"My children, unless you listen now, you will be herded as cattle. You will live lives of servitude under a master of hell.
     “We do not wish to visit these evils upon you. You have a free will. A country where the people will pray together, they will stay together. A country that turns from their God will be divided.” - Our Lady of the Roses, April 10, 1972


D103 - Communism   PDF LogoPDF
D224 - Restore America to One Nation Under God  PDF LogoPDF
D349 - Socialism  PDF LogoPDF  

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