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Study: Young Children Who Are Spanked Are Happier and More Successful as Teenagers

"Humanism in your world has been created by satan. You will bring back the adages of old of 'Spare the rod, and you will spoil the child.' Discipline must be returned to the homes.” - St. Joachim, July 25, 1973

LifeSiteNews.com reported on January 5, 2010:

A US-based study suggests that spanking isn't harmful for children and, in fact, states that children who had been physically disciplined when they were young, between the ages of 2 and 6, grew up to be happier and more successful, performed better at school as teenagers and were more likely to do volunteer work and to want to go to university, than those who had never been spanked.

The study, conducted under the auspices of the Portraits of American Life Study (PALS) {http://pals.nd.edu/} by Dr. Marjorie Gunnoe, professor of Psychology at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, found there was a lack of evidence to prove that spanking harmed children, and that spanking used judiciously as the normal consequence for bad behavior is beneficial to children.

"The claims that are made for not spanking children fail to hold up. They are not consistent with the data," Gunnoe said.

"I think of spanking as a dangerous tool, but there are times when there is a job big enough for a dangerous tool - you just don't use it for all your jobs," she added.

Professor Gunnoe interviewed 2,600 teenagers about being spanked. She found that when participants' answers were compared with their behavior, such as academic success, optimism about the future, antisocial behavior, violence and bouts of depression, those who had been physically disciplined only between the ages of two and six performed best on all the positive measures.

Those who had been spanked between seven and eleven exhibited more negative behavior but were still more likely to be academically successful.

In cases where physical discipline continued beyond the age of 12, or in those who had never received corporal punishment, the children were found to perform more poorly in the indicators that were taken into consideration. Dr. Gunnoe found that almost a quarter of the teens in the study reported they were never spanked.

The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) states that disciplinary spanking by parents can be effective when properly used. "It is clear that parents should not solely rely upon disciplinary spanking to accomplish control of their child's behavior," says the organization's position statement. "Evidence suggests that it can be a useful and necessary part of a successful disciplinary plan."

According to the ACP, effective discipline has three key components: a loving, supportive relationship between parent and child; use of positive reinforcement when children behave well; and, use of punishment when children misbehave.

Many parents who are fearful of using spanking as punishment claim that spanking teaches physically aggressive behavior which the child will imitate.

Aric Sigman, a psychologist and author of "The Spoilt Generation: Why Restoring Authority will Make our Children and Society Happier," commented on the results of Professor Gunnoe's research.

"The idea that smacking and violence are on a continuum is a bizarre and fetishised view of what punishment is for most parents," he told the UK Daily Mail.

"If it's done judiciously by a parent who is normally affectionate and sensitive to their child, our society should not be up in arms about that. Parents should be taught to distinguish this from a punch in the face."

Read related LSN articles:

American College of Pediatricians: "It's Okay for Parents to Spank"; Suggests Guidelines

UN Continues to Push for Criminalization of Spanking

Canada's Top Court Criminalizes Spanking Under 2, Over 12 and With Any Objects


The Holy Bible on child discipline 

"All parents must set a strong example of faith in the home. Your children are being subject to much error and much soul destruction outside your home. Discipline and truth must be brought to the children. The greatest responsibility for these children will be given to the parents. Guard their souls well.” - Our Lady of the Roses, July 1, 1973


"He that loveth his son, frequently chastiseth him, that he may rejoice in his latter end, and not grope after the doors of his neighbors." (Ecclesiasticus 30:1) 

"A horse not broken becometh stubborn, and a child left to himself will become headstrong." (Ecclesiasticus 30:8) 

"Give him not liberty in his youth, and wink not at his devices. Bow down his neck while he is young, and beat his sides while he is a child, lest he grow stubborn, and regard thee not, and so be a sorrow of heart to thee." (Ecclesiasticus 30:11-12) 

"He who spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes." (Proverbs 13:24) 

"Withhold not correction from a child: for if thou striketh him with a rod he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs 23:13-14) 


Note: The failure of a parent to correct a child for serious wrongs is objectively a mortal sin. In Examination of Conscience for Adults: A Guide to Spiritual Progress, Fr. Donald F. Miller lists as a mortal sin, "Have I failed to correct and punish my children for serious wrongs, or to forbid them to enter serious occasions of sin?" (p. 77, +Imprimatur: Archbishop Moses E. Kiley, May 12, 1942).  As Fr. Louis Colin emphasizes, "Who loves much, chastises much." (Love One Another, p. 189)


"Humanism in your world has been created by satan. You will bring back the adages of old of 'Spare the rod, and you will spoil the child.' Discipline must be returned to the homes.” - St. Joachim, July 25, 1973 


Our Lady of the Roses Bayside messages:
These messages came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995. 

“Do not fall down in your job as a parent, for you will also be held responsible for the condition of your children’s souls when they are brought to Us.” - Our Lady, February 11, 1971

St. Anne - "Oh, how sad to look upon the homes of earth! Whatever has become of motherhood? Bad example, such poor example I see in many homes. You must return to the simple life. The love of riches will destroy your souls.
"Involvement of the parents in worldly pursuits and living take them farther from the graces of Heaven. The greatest offenses to the Father is the lack of discipline and true direction of many parents on earth today. My children--"
Veronica - And Saint Anne is placing her hand out, like this.
St. Anne - "You still have time to make restitution and atonement, and to save your children. You must bring them back to the Sacraments. You must be an example of modesty and true faith to them. Children will learn much by your example." - July 25, 1973

Veronica - Now Saint Joachim is walking over; he's standing now between Saint Anne and Our Lady. Now Saint Joachim is standing there. He has a long--it looks like a rod in his hand. And he's standing there holding the rod up, and he's saying:
St. Joachim - "In one hand you will hold the Book of life, and the other, discipline."
Veronica - And he's brandishing the stick, like this.
St. Joachim - "Humanism in your world has been created by satan. You will bring back the adages of old of 'Spare the rod, and you will spoil the child.' Discipline must be returned to the homes.”- July 25, 1973

"All parents must set a strong example of faith in the home. Your children are being subject to much error and much soul destruction outside your home. Discipline and truth must be brought to the children. The greatest responsibility for these children will be given to the parents. Guard their souls well.” - Our Lady July 1, 1973

"Your children must be protected against the world, your world of evil. Better that they starve their bodies than to starve their souls. The seeking of worldly gain has sent many souls into hell. The example being shown in many homes is abominable. Many parents will pay a hard price in the loss of the Kingdom for their lack of discipline and proper direction of the souls entrusted to them.” - Our Lady, May 10, 1973

"Man has lost his purity. All parents must guard the children's souls. Be firm with your children. The fashions grieve all Heaven.
     "The time is short, so you must make reparation now, and learn to recognize the signs. You must be guided by the light. The Holy Spirit will always be with you. Remain close to My Son. So many will be lost.” - Our Lady, August 5, 1970

"All about you, you see the disobedience of children. In your schools, your government, your churches--where is the respect, the honor to your God?
     "O you blind, foolish parents who do not recognize the products of your laxity! The blow, it will be visited upon you; for as you sow, so shall you reap. Yes, you parents are filling the bodies and minds with luxuries, but you have chosen to starve the souls of your children. Your children are being led farther into the darkness. We do not see the light ahead for them.” - Our Lady, July 25, 1971

“Children grow more disobedient and arrogant to parents. Man has lost the true meaning of love and charity of neighbor.
     "I counsel you all to take your Book of life, Bible, and become knowledgeable of these latter days. The plan for the days ahead is covered quite thoroughly in this Book of life.
     "Man would find his way to the Kingdom if he would cast aside the soul destroyers that he now has in his home, which destroy not only his soul but the souls of innocent children. For the love of money, these soul destroyers flood your earth.
     "The time will come, without your prayers and actions, when you will no longer recognize sin as sin. You will become accustomed to sin as a way of life. The numbers to be saved in the final count will be in the few.” - Our Lady, July 15, 1973

"I wish that all fathers of households stand forth and practice their role. They will use the rod and not permit their children to go astray. Firmness is needed in your world that is filled with laxity, permissiveness, and degradation.
     "Your children have been misled by many who shall answer to the Father. As teachers they have failed in their role. Therefore, as parents you must succeed in yours.” - St. Joseph, March 18, 1973

"I have asked you, I have directed you, as your Mother, to retire--retire from your world that has been given to satan. You must earn your daily bread by living in the world, but you must not become of the world. Your children must be guided with a strong discipline and love. But this love must be coming from the light, My children, for so few cry love, and they have lost the true meaning of love. For love is your God the Father in Heaven.” - Our Lady, September 7, 1976

"Man has set himself into the web of satan by straying from the path given by the Father. Discipline, self-discipline, and obedience to the rules of God are the only path." - Our Lady, November 24, 1973



D16 - Role of Parents  PDF LogoPDF
D235 - Disciplining Children  PDF LogoPDF

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April 12, 2018