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Comet A3:  Is the Ball of Redemption on its way?  


"The balance is being added to the left. Therefore, when your world has reached the peak of iniquity, you will be planet-struck." - Our Lady, April 14, 1973


This newly-discovered comet has got our attention. This is for several reasons: 

1) Our Lady of the Roses has repeatedly told us that when the world reaches the peak of iniquity, the Great Chastisement will be imminent: "When your world has reached the peak of iniquity, you will be planet-struck." (Our Lady April 14, 1973).

2) Our Lady has also warned that when the world and the Church unite as one, this is another sign that the end is near, that the Great Chastisement is at hand: "They seek now to unite My Son's houses, churches, with the world. And know now that should this take place, when the world and My Son's Church become one, the end has been reached." (Our Lady, February 10, 1975).

Both of these conditions may have already been fulfilled. We shall see.

But there's more.

Several details about this comet should set off alarms:

3) The name of the newly-discovered comet is A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (2023). It was originally named comet ATLAS after its discovery on February 22, 2023 (also Ash Wednesday 2023) by the ATLAS robotic early warning system in South Africa. Upon further review, it was determined that the Tsuchinshan observatory in China had already captured images of the object on January 9, 2023. But Polomar Observatory in California may hold the actual first image of the comet: "Skywatchers around the world have since observed it in new and old images, with the earliest detection found in images taken by a wide-field camera on a telescope at Palomar Observatory in California on Dec. 12, 2022."  Interestingly, December 12th is also the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and Patroness of the unborn.

Conchita of Garabandal stated that the event of the Warning begins with the letter "A" (that is all she would say).

4) Our Lady's apparitions at Garabandal revealed that the Warning will be preceded by what appears to be the crashing of "two stars." Conchita of Garabandal states, "First, a worldwide Warning that will happen in the sky… like the collision of two stars that do not fall down" (read more).

5) Comet A3 will make its closest approach to the sun around September 28, 2024 and its closest approach to Earth--wait for it--on October 13, 2024.  October 13, 1917 was the date of Fatima's terrifying prodigy of the "Miracle of the sun" which some thought was the end of the world. What was this phenomenon really? Were the tens of thousands at Fatima witnessing the future Ball of Redempton, which will descend in punishment upon the earth?

Father Inacio Lourenço is most often cited in the description of the "Miracle of the sun" according to Bro. Michael of th Holy Trinity, because it is the most detailed description:

"I was only nine years old at this time, and I went to the local village school (about 12 miles from Fatima). At about midday we were surprised by the shouts and cries of some men and women who were passing in the street in front of the school. The teacher, a good, pious woman, though nervous and impressionable, was the first to run into the road with the children after her. "Outside, the people were shouting and weeping and pointing to the sun, ignoring the questions of the schoolmistress. It was the Great Miracle, which one could see quite distinctly from the top of the hill where my village was situated… "I feel incapable of describing what I saw and felt. I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes. Looking like a ball of snow revolving upon itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth. Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment. During those long moments of the solar prodigy objects around us turned all the colors of the rainbow…." (Whole Truth of Fatima, Vol. I, pp. 342-343)  

6) There is a problem associated with comet A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS: It will pass very close to the sun.

7) Our Lady at Bayside gave Veronica a vision of part of the Ball of Redemption breaking off and falling into the sun, which immediately precedes the Warning;

Veronica - I see the huge ball and the sun; it's a ball of fire. And this is another ball of fire. And a piece now is broken off, and it's hitting into the sun. And there--oh! Oh, it's an explosion. Oh, I can't look! Oh! Oh! Everything seems so still, and I see people now holding onto the chairs in their houses. Everything's rocking. It's like the very foundation is rocking in the houses. And they're all frightened. And many are running into the streets. (December 24, 1973) (read more)

8) Currently, there is the Synod on Synodality underway, which will conclude at the Vatican in October 2023. Conchita of Garabandal revealed that the Warning would be preceded by a Synod in the Church. Some thought the young Conchita was mistaken, that she meant a Council. Conchita was very specific: Our Lady said "Synod" (watch video).

9) The Bayside message has given another clear sign that precedes the Warning, which is the revolution in Rome and the Holy Father fleeing: "My child, you speculate much about the coming Warning. I have asked you many times not to speculate on dates, but I give you one indication that the time is ripe. When you see, when you hear, when you feel the revolution in Rome, when you see the Holy Father fleeing, seeking a refuge in another land, know that the time is ripe." (Jesus, September 14, 1976)



VIDEO: A Dazzling Comet is Approaching us! It Will Outshine Brightest Stars




Veronica - I know it's a comet. It, it's a round ball of fire, and it's traveling at a very fast pace through the sky. And it's so hot! I can feel the heat, the great heat of this long tail. As it's going through space, it's shooting out a tremendous fiery tail. Oh!
Our Lady - "I repeat, My child, your country shall not escape the destruction of the fires, as you will be planet-struck.
     "As in the days of Noe, My child, many shall reject the Message from Heaven." - July 25, 1975

"I have come to warn you: you will set loose upon earth the heavens. You will be planet struck. Doctors must do good and cure honorably. Kingdoms, bishops, Rome must restore My Son's Church, or there will be great destruction in the Eternal City." - Our Lady, August 14, 1981

"For soon there will come upon you the great Chastisement. It comes in two parts, My child and My children: the Third World War, and also the Ball of Redemption. These can no longer be delayed." - Jesus, June 18, 1986

"When the Ball of Redemption comes upon your earth, all will have received the Message from Heaven, and they will be given individual choice for their salvation or their damnation." - Jesus, October 2, 1972


Directives from Heaven:

D43 - The Warning / Miracle   PDF LogoPDF
- The Great Comet Chastisement (Part 4)  
D61 - The Great Comet Chastisement (Part 5)  
D62 - The Great Comet Chastisement (Part 6)  
D281 - The Peak of Iniquity  PDF LogoPDF 
D304 - When the World and the Church Unite as One   PDF LogoPDF



Did my family see the Ball of Redemption?

VIDEO: The super comet (Part 1)

VIDEO: The super comet (Part 2)





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