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#415 - THE HOLY BIBLE, Part 2
"All scripture, inspired of God, is profitable to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in justice, that the man of God may be perfect, furnished to every good work." - 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
"The road to the
"The holy Bible is your family heirloom. Partake of His precious
gift of the Lamb, and keep your eyes on the Bible as the darkness closes in
about us." - Our Lady, April 7, 1970
"I must ask you
all to read but a few short chapters a day now, the Book of life and love,
your Bible. Knowledge must be gained for all the disciples of My Son, for
you will be attacked by scientific minds. But do not be concerned what you
will say to them when accosted, for the words will be given to you by the
Spirit." -
Our Lady, April 10, 1976
"Read your Bible, My children. Man has forgotten his God, and he no longer
finds the revelations in the word.
"There will be much suffering ahead, My children; but fear not, for
this is only your temporary home. Fear not the destruction of the body, but
pray that this destruction does not reach your soul. So many are blinded by
worldly pleasures to the realization of the truth that lies ahead--the
darkness." -
Our Lady, August 5, 1970
children, there are many among you in My Son's ecclesiastical bodies that
seek to build a new church upon earth. It is not supernatural; it is a
natural church of man!
"My children, do not be deluded by the humanistic approach to
salvation. My Son gave the rules; the Eternal Father set the rules for
mankind in the past and through countless ages of time. You have cast aside
the direction of the founding Fathers of My Son's Church, those He has
appointed to set down the rules and procedures. You cannot, you must not
change the Book of life, the Bible, to please mankind, for you are pleasing
satan. You must remember the words of the Book of life that any man--meaning
it woman or child of conscionable age, but more befit to say man--who seeks
to change but one word in the Book of life, the Bible, shall be cast out of
the Kingdom of life and light, Heaven, cast from the light and into the
darkness ruled by satan, forever damned." -
Our Lady, July 15, 1978
"There are many
false prophets now going throughout the world. They come to you as angels of
light, but they are distorting the Book of life, the Bible. They are
reprinting it to suit their own ideas, ideologies, and a new-found theology.
You must not accept these modernistic printings, for they do not carry the
truth nor the true word of God." -
Our Lady,
June 18, 1979
"There are many
theologians, even in My Son's House now, that are bringing to mankind
doctrines of demons. They are teachings of man and not of God. Many have set
themselves in their arrogance to change the wordings in the Book of love and
life, the Bible. These changes were to seduce mankind into bondage of sin."
Our Lady, June 2, 1979
"You must
not reject the Sacraments in My Church; you must not reject the teachings
for new modes of modernism and socialism.
"And I say this unto My pastors: you will not change the way to suit
man, but you must change man to bring him to My way! This way has been given
to you in the Book of life and love, your Bible. You will not change the
wording or the meaning to please man! It is a narrow road to Heaven, and so
few remain on this road. Many of My priests are on the road to perdition and
taking many souls with them." -
Jesus, June 2, 1979
"You, My child, must
give more effort to spreading the Gospel Truth. The Book of life and love,
the Bible, is being rewritten. It is done, My child, with great cunning and
deception. Only those in the light, made knowledgeable by the light, will
recognize this deception. Little by little the errors are being spread.
My child, read! You must not forget the fifteen minutes a day of reading the
Book of life and love, your Bible." -
Our Lady, December 24, 1974
"The world's people
must listen now to My counsel. The Eternal Father is much distressed as the
offenses to Him increase. The Eternal Father knows of the day and the hour
for your chastisement. Because of His mercy, His all-knowing merciful heart,
He has allowed Me to come to you as your Mother, the spiritual Mother of
earth, to counsel you in this final period of your era.
"I counsel you, and even admonish you as your Mother, to retain the
Faith as given from My Son to
His Apostles in the Book of life, your Bible. This Book must not be changed
in wording to please man, but man must change his way, the ways that offend
His God, to please the Eternal Father in Heaven in the Trinity." -
Our Lady, August 5, 1978
"Every man, woman, and child of the age of conscience has his soul to save.
What will it gain a man if he gathers all of the treasures of the world,
sells his soul to get to the head?
"Have you not listened to My Mother's counsel about hell, the abode
of the damned? Have you not listened to Her counsel about the place of
purging, purgatory? Oh, no! With itching ears you listen to the adversary
who seeks to disprove this knowledge.
"Accept the facts in truth, My children. I had it written all down
for you in the Book of life, your Bible. What are you reading but filth and
pornography! You will not save your soul in that manner. Your children will
be lost to Heaven in that manner.
"As parents you must treasure your children's souls. Keep them
shining in goodness and holiness and purity." -
Jesus, August 5, 1978
"Many homes
shall be torn asunder by the fall of the children. Parents shall shed tears
of anguish. Therefore, prevent this now while your children are at a young
age. Give them a firm foundation of their faith. Be not afraid to speak out
against heresy and abominations, even if you have to do this against your
clergy. For many now have fallen in with the modernists, the socialists, the
communists, and some the satanists. Therefore, My children, I make known to
you the crisis that lies ahead.
"Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your nation and
the world. Promote the reading of your Bible. Institute this in many of your
churches. Knowledge is power: to fight the false prophets now roaming your
world, you must have knowledge and a firm foundation of faith. Satan can
also quote Scriptures; so, My children, you must read the Scriptures." -
Our Lady, June 18, 1979
"My child and
My children, you must stress the reading of your Bible. Sit down nightly
with your children and teach them. Read the Scriptures. You cannot allow
them to go out of your homes without this knowledge or they will lose their
faith." -
Jesus, June 18, 1979
"I ask you, as your Mother, to turn back now from the ways that offend the
Father! You are recrucifying My Son! You desecrate His Body! We do not want
the women standing upon the altars of the houses of My Son! Why do you not
listen, My children? We gave you the plan for setting up the House of God.
My Son set the plan. He sent Paul to you with the plan. Read, My children,
the Book of love and life, your Bible. You are misguided." -
Our Lady, November 1, 1974
"Recognize, My children, the signs of your times. Read--I ask you for your
knowledge, to read the Book of life, your Bible, and the writings of John,
"The Bible, the
true Book of life and love, must be read now in the homes. You will all make
a concerted effort to teach your children from the Book of life and love,
your Bible. And I say unto you, do not use the changed versions, for they
have been changed by satan." -
Jesus, November 21, 1977
"You must read
your Bible every day, even a short verse, My children. Read your Bible and
learn by it. The Revelations, the Apocalypse of
"In your Book
of life, your Bible, you will find the words of guidance and truth. You
shall not cast the words of your prophets aside and cater to the basic
carnal nature of mankind. Man will not change to please man; man will stay
on the narrow road and please his God.
"All manner of abominations are destroying the children of earth and
sending them fast into the abyss. We see the greatest of sins being
committed, in secret and publicly--women consorting with women, men
degrading their flesh with men. O woe unto you, My children! Whatever will
become of you? You will take up the Book of life, your Bible, and read it
now. Learn by it. The truth is for you to find, but you are leading
yourselves into the darkness. You follow a delusion created by satan. You
will hold fast, My children, to your Faith. You will not change the basic
foundations of My Son's House." -
Our Lady, November, 20, 1974
"There are many
voice-boxes now in your world, My children, but you must learn to recognize
those who are false prophets. You will guide by the written word in the Book
of life, your Bible.
"All of the destruction that is heading upon mankind is to be given
for the cleansing of your world. Each and every soul shall be evaluated for
entrance into the Kingdom of your God." -
Our Lady, December 7, 1978
"In the Book of life,
your Bible, the pages are turning fast. The days of the Apocalypse are upon
you. Many shall have visions. And a time will come to pass when a burning
ball shall pass through you, and a tail of fire devouring all in its path.
All who laugh, you scoffers upon earth, you will awaken from your blindness
too late!
"It appears, My children, now, that My pastors have become blind, and the
blind are leading the blind. Will there be even a flicker of faith left when
I return upon earth? The numbers to be saved can be counted now in the few,
My children. Every man, woman, and child of the age of conscience will have
been tested, and many will be found wanting and unable to be saved." -
Jesus, December 7, 1978
"My Father's House, His Church, is a house of prayer, meditation, and honor
to man's God. Therefore, I object, as your God, to the manner in which you
are seeking to change the plan from Heaven and making My House a meeting
place, even including, in your quest for conversion, heretics, schismatics,
and satanists. Clergy and the children of earth, I warn you as your God that
you will not make any conversions that will stand the test of time by
compromising the laws, the rules, and the plan of Heaven given to you
throughout the ages of earth's time.
"The way to Heaven has been written in the Book of life, your Bible.
We do not expect you to change it to please man, for man must change his
ways that offend his God to please his God; for man must strive to be as
perfect as God the Father to enter--in order to enter the
"Yes, My
children, understand well: Do not seek diversion or entertainment in the
occult, seeking fortunetellers and sorcerers. You read all manner of
literature to destroy your souls! Can you not open a few pages of your Bible
and read that? No-o-o! Because you are not in the light. You are not seeking
the truth because you have given yourselves to the world, seeking power over
your brothers--false power!" -
Our Lady, August 14, 1979
"The Eternal Father in Heaven knows the day and the hour for the coming
great Chastisement. A partial part of this knowledge has been given now to a
few voices upon earth who, like John, go forth crying out like voices in the
wilderness: Get ready now, for the punishments are approaching!
"My children, if you cast aside the Commandments of the Eternal
Father and set up a new rule to live by, you are lost. If you defy the Book
of life and love, your Bible, and rewrite it to suit your own basic carnal
human nature, you are lost! If you bring false doctrines upon earth, the
doctrines of demons, worshiping false gods, worshiping Lucifer, you are
lost!" -
Jesus, August 14, 1979
"I have pleaded
through countless visitations upon your earth for parents to retain the
Faith within their children's hearts in their homes. I caution you, I shout
to you: do not hand over the souls of your children to unbelievers. When
your children go without your doors, My children, they are subject to all
manner of evil, evil that has entered within your school systems, evil that
is in all medias of communication. And voices cry out: 'What are we to
believe, and what is truth?' My Son is truth; My Son is the way.
"You must read your Bible. I assure you, My children, in the days
ahead you must read your Bible, for this knowledge will be power to you.
"Satan is crafty; he is the master of deceit and delusion. Even in My
Son's House some of His highest now have been caught in the web of
deception. Pray for your priests, My children, pray for your bishops and
your cardinals." -
Our Lady, May 14, 1977
child and My children, the pages are turning fast in the Apocalypse. Have
you listened to My counsel in the past, My children? Are you making an
effort to study the Book of life and love, your Bible?
"There is not much time left. Many will
be taken from the earth. I will not at this time, My child and My children,
go into full detail. However, I want you to stress the knowledge of
"The Eternal Father has watched with
hope. And with His convictions now coming to the point of great knowledge to
Him, He finds that at this time many must be taken from the earth.
word of homosexuality can be explained by the story of
"Many do not, My child,
understand the signs of their times. The days, the latter days are here, My
children. You are living in the days of the Apocalypse. The writings of
"I stress, I repeat the way given by the Father for you in the days ahead:
prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. Much is needed. You must bend your knees
to honor your God. Women must not expose their flesh. Paganism will not be
tolerated by the Father, neither in your lay life nor in the House of My
Son. It is an abomination for women to speak in the House of God! I hear a
word . . . defilement of man: liberation! My child, what is this liberation
women ask for? Satan has created the plan for their destruction. Take your
Bible, take the Book of life and study it and learn! You have given off a
wretched stink of the devil!
Woman, you were created by the Father as a helper for your husband! Now you
are in competition to be as your husband." -
Our Lady, July 15, 1974
"You must continue with great
vigilance to send My message throughout the world--person to person, link to
link, pen to pen, and word to word. The whole creation of mankind shall know
the Message from Heaven, and if the balance, the scale, has not met with
approval by the Eternal Father, the world shall be cleansed by a baptism of
has been written in the good Book, My children, and it must come to pass.
But I cry bitter tears, knowing that this time that was to be in the future
shall be now!
"Have you, as parents, prepared your family? Have you set your
household in order?
"I have asked you to place in your homes the Book of life and love,
your Bible. Parents, you must read this to your children, for they shall not
receive the knowledge of their God outside of your door. The teachers have
given themselves to the world. Blinded of spirit, hardened of heart, and
deafened of ear have they become. Too late they will awaken in shock,
knowing that the time has run out for their repatriation." -
Our Lady, August 14, 1975
"Pride is a sin, and a more formidable barrier against sanctity and
holiness. And that title, My children and My child, has been accepted by
many of your bishops, not just in the
"Man will fall from pride and arrogance, and fall into the clutches
of satan. Is this what you want? Please, My children, have pity on your
brothers and pray for them.
"All Heaven is alerted to the days ahead. 666 is among you in full
force, so you must wear your sacramentals and protect your children from the
forces of evil when they leave your homes. You must teach them at home the
truth of your Bible and the prayers that are being lost to mankind.
"Graces shall be given in abundance if you ask for them. Have a true
heart, a pure heart, My children, and trust--just trust even the littlest
bit if you cannot accept the truth, but trust in the Immaculate Heart of My
Mother and My sorrowing Heart for you all." -
Jesus, May 21, 1983
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