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#634 - SCOFFERS, Part 3

"In like manner also the chief priests mocking, said with the scribes one to another: He saved others; himself he cannot save. Let Christ the king of Israel come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe. And they that were crucified with him reviled him." - St. Mark 15: 31-32

"My children, you must all be defenders of your Faith. By your example and your practice of the corporal works of mercy among mankind, you can stem the tide of evil now that has engulfed all of the nations of your world and will soon bring about the extermination of three-quarters of mankind.
"O My children, how foolish you are to not heed the warnings given from Heaven through My Mother, Whose heart bleeds for you, for She well knows your near future. As your Mother, She has come to you begging you from a Mother's heart to do penance, make atonement and sacrifice, for the time is running out. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
"Oh, the scoffers go about saying: 'And what time do You speak of?' I speak of the short time to come." - Jesus, September 7, 1979 

"Rome shall soon have a bloodbath; Rome shall suffer in revolution. And why, My children, why must this chastisement come upon the Eternal City? Because they have turned from their God! Too few do penance and atonement! Prayer has been discarded for all materialism and worldly knowledge. Men shall be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the fires sweep them away!
"My  children, I have asked you all to become light bearers through the dark days ahead. You will meet with great trial in your mission. There will be scoffers and those who greet you with derision, but, My children, remember, My Son carried His cross in the same manner. My own will know Me, My children. If you are rejected, wipe the dust from your feet and keep going. My own will know Me.
"Already, My children, those who are to be saved have been marked with the sign of the cross. The numbers now are being counted. The sheep are being separated from the goats. This is a battle of the spirits, and man in his free will shall be given the chance to accept the light or reject it." - Our Lady, June 16, 1977

"Those in power seek to form for man a utopia, a perfect world; man in power even seeking to create life on his own. He has rejected his God, O man of science.
"Man has not learned from his past, My children. He repeats over and over his errors, never learning from his past. And I cry out to you: remember Noe, remember Sodom!
"And woe to the pastor who will not commit himself to action to stop the crimes being committed against the young, as bands of homosexuals roam the streets of the world sodomizing young children. And why? Because justice has fallen into satan's hands.
"Satanic delusions have been set upon the governments of the world, even as they seek to remove from your courthouses the words 'In God We Trust.' It shall now be, 'In Man We Trust, For Man Is Our God!' Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! The just hand of the Eternal Father is poised to strike you.
"Scoffers, whose call in derision, 'And where is this punishment you speak of?' I say unto you: there will be much gnashing of teeth and weeping and woe set upon the earth, for many shall die in the cruel flame of the Ball of Redemption!" - Our Lady, May 13, 1978

"If the words of My Mother go unheeded to this ungrateful generation, I assure you it will not be long before you will be forced to your knees! Hasten, harken, and listen, for the warnings given to you are urgent! The sands of time are running fast out, and you will not have another chance to turn your hourglass.
"Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice! Wear your sacramentals, and do not waste the balance of your time in idle, worldly pursuits of the flesh. Many souls have fallen into the abyss because they did not seek to practice the truth. And what is the truth, you may ask Me? It has been given to you, though man has chosen at this time to sully it.” – Jesus, February 10, 1975 

"My child, I could repeat and repeat the warning that has been given to mankind through My Mother and countless visitations of others from Heaven to your earth. But what more can I say but to tell you that man continues on his road to damnation and perdition. The ultimate outcome shall be his chastisement in a manner such as never has been seen upon your earth, and shall never be seen again, for this chastisement shall remove many from your earth.
"As in the time of Noe, as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrha, the warnings, countless warnings given through those chosen by Heaven to act as mediators for God to bring a prophecy to mankind--scoffers laugh, deride the prophets, and man has learned nothing from his past history. I promise you, your world, the earth, shall not be destroyed in the universe, but mankind shall be removed from your planet. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption." - Jesus, January 31, 1976

"My child and My children, I ask you in the name of the Father, and My Son, and the Holy Ghost, to listen to Me now: the course you are on is a course to destruction. Satan has entered into My Son's Church. You remember, My children, Pope Paul VI, Our good Vicar, said to the world, 'I know that the smoke of satan has entered into the Church.' But who listens to him, and who did listen to him? But they laid him low, and put another in his place.
"I know, My child, the derision and the scoffing that comes your way because of this message. But you will go forward, My child, and not listening to the scoffers, you will succeed one day in bringing forward to Us many wandering sheep.
"There are many souls upon earth that shall not be held accountable for their sins, for they have been led and misled by their elders.
"I say unto the cardinals and bishops in My Son's Church: I am much grieved at your conduct. You will be accountable to the Eternal Father for the destruction of souls. And the abuses that go forward against My Son cannot be tolerated by the Eternal Father. My Son suffers greatly upon earth. Have you forgotten so soon how He sacrificed His very Being for you all? And what are you doing in return?" - Our Lady, October 2, 1989

"My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix, a Mediatrix between God and man. Her words have gone throughout the world and will continue to go throughout your world in the days of trial.
"Scoffers will not believe; hardened hearts will walk in darkness. Know that if you ask for the light . . . believe, and you will be given the way.
"Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Perseverance--persevere in Faith, My children, and you will be saved." - Jesus, September 6, 1975

"My children, the hand of your God is descending. With patience the Eternal Father watches, never wishing that even one be lost to Him. The sheep are scattering; the shepherds have fallen asleep. And now, in this crucial hour, new shepherds will come forward. They will be of humble beginnings, with great humility and love of their God.
"O My children, how long can you expect a reprieve? Far beyond what man has ever conceived in his human mind will he experience the Ball hurtling down upon earth, and earth shall be planet struck!
"My children, the scoffers will multiply; those who have gained worldly knowledge and influence will turn away." - Jesus, May 30, 1977

"You will line up in groups. One will be the scoffers, those who neither care to nor wish to nor desire to know the truth or seek the truth. The other group, you will have the lukewarm, who neither care nor believe nor wish to act upon any counsel. And My children, then you will have the legions of good souls, those in the light, who will go forward and with every ounce of their energy of their human bodies, with every prayer that they can wrest from tired lips and bodies, they will go forward and fight this evil." - Our Lady, November 21, 1977

"The way, a simple way, was given to mankind. I gave the keys to the pastors of My Church, My House upon earth, and these keys have been tarnished through greed and avarice and the lust for power. My House now is producing bad fruit, and I shall soon shake the tree. All that is rotten shall fall! Remember, My children, the world and My Church shall not be as one. Conform and you will die on the vine!
"I ask you this: do not abandon My House, My Church. Remain in your parishes as an example. If you unify against evil you can vanquish this evil! If you run away, you leave My Church open to thieves and robbers! Shall you deny to your brothers and sisters the opportunity to enrich their souls with My Body and Blood? The parish church must remain open. I shall be there with you, though man is desecrating in his rituals. I shall be there always with you.
"Do not abandon Me at the tabernacles of the world. I am your Bread of life. He who eats of Me shall have life. Without Me you will only find death, death of the body and death of the spirit, My children.
"Parents, save yourselves the anguish of heart: teach your children now. Give them a firm foundation of their Faith. Many young people are taking their lives because they have no faith. And the way the world progresses, My children, when I return to earth shall I find even a flicker of the true faith left?
"You will all read the writings of John, the Revelations, your Apocalypse, and learn by it. You will not be left without knowledge of your times. You are passing through the latter days, the days when many saints shall come out of the great conflagration.
"Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Wear your sacramentals. Reject the scoffers. Remember, My children, those who scoff will either not understand or be lost. Perhaps in your charity you will all make a special effort to convert the unbeliever." - Jesus, May 27, 1978

"You must understand and set your values straight. I am the Bread of life eternal. You may fill yourselves up with the bread of the earth and the world. You may seek pleasures and riches and the destruction of your soul with the pleasures of the flesh, but can you say in all reality that you will have time to change or to make amends before you are struck down and come across the veil?
"My children, there will be a great loss of life with the great Chastisement that is fast coming upon mankind. The scoffers may laugh and turn away, but do not heed them in your discipleship, My children. Go forward with the truth. Make every effort to save your brothers and sisters. You may expect from them derision and laughter and scorn. This was My road upon earth. This was My Mother's road upon earth, but they stayed together, united in faith.
"My children, you must also approach My hierarchy. Many have fallen asleep in their pride and arrogance. Many have given themselves over to worldly pursuits. They do not pray. They are not accepting the Spirit of light." - Jesus, September 28, 1978

"Man has the balance, man has been given in free will the balance for his own fall, or restoration of a nation to its former glory under God. Like rodents, the enemies of your God have eaten away at the foundations of the Faith. But in a short time they will be destroyed, and a new House will rise, a Church stronger in faith and sanctity and holiness. But this cannot, My children, take place until a great Chastisement is set upon mankind.
"You will all retain and wear your sacramentals for reason. Do not underestimate the power of prayer or the sacramentals. Do not be misguided or misled by the scoffers who have committed themselves to satan with derisive vocabularies of calling sanctity fanaticism, and holiness derangement.
"My child and My children, understand well that as I was persecuted upon earth, do not expect any less a lot. For the cross is always heavy, and unless you carry this cross you cannot reach Heaven. For the way of the cross is the true road to the Kingdom." - Jesus, June 18, 1981

"When the world and My Son's Church becomes as one, when the evil men of the cross have sought to destroy My Son within His own House, know that the end is near at hand. I say unto you, as your Mother: as you sow, so shall you reap!
"The harvest for the grim reaper will be great. And now in the world's trials that are at hand, warnings have been cast aside and not acted upon. These trials now in the coming year shall separate the sheep from the goats, the kernel from the chaff, as the reaper goes forward for his harvest.
"O My children, I repeat Myself and repeat Myself, carrying like the wind all of the sorrows of your world, all the sufferings of the voices and hearts that come up to Us. We pity you, My children, for, in your arrogance, you are like spoiled children without discipline, knowing not that you are starting your own destruction.
"Remember My past direction, My children, to you all to keep your sacramentals about you. Retain in your household the monuments, the statues, that are fast being cast aside. Know that satan would like to take from you the knowledge of the supernatural, even to camouflage his own existence by setting up skeptics, scoffers, and intellectuals who are ever seeking but never coming to the truth." - Our Lady, November 22, 1976

"I ask that all of the children of light spend a short time in reading the Book of life, the Bible, for edification and knowledge of truth. It has been said in truth that knowledge is power. But this knowledge must come not from man but from God, the Father of truth.
"And I say this to you, for many of you are listening to the father of all liars, satan. Your world has become a playground for satan and his agents, for sin has become a way of life upon earth. You are being given the choice to sell your souls to satan or to persevere and gain your eternal reward in the Kingdom of light, Heaven.
"Let the scoffers pass you by, neither daunting your spirit nor slowing your pace to bring the Mission from Heaven to a fast conclusion with the salvation of souls. My Mother shall be with you during the days ahead, counseling you, for She is truly the Mother of all.
"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. The power of prayer is great." - Jesus, March 25, 1978

"My child and My children, do not be hindered in your mission by the scoffers. The knowledge of the supernatural has been cast aside and replaced with all manner of scientific theories and speculations. But it will lead them to nowhere but destruction. Man is ever seeking but never coming to the truth; for the truth lies in the knowledge of his God and following the plan given in the beginning for his salvation!
"Man now is setting up upon earth a one-world government and a one-world religion. But it means enslavement of the masses and the destruction of faith. I have told you over and over, counseled you in the past, to not be influenced by your medias, newspapers, and that infernal box, the television." - Our Lady, Augsut 14, 1979

"None will be lost who will save themselves in the Sacred Heart of My Son. None will be lost who will keep the sacramentals and all objects of godly nature in their homes.
"This will be difficult, for the scoffers will increase and the licentiousness will increase. And you will be soon a minority. However, it is in the plan of the Father that we shall gather the House of God and restore it in the world to its proper proportions. Man then will be returned to his former state, for he will then no longer be forced to offend his God, forced through the agents of hell who will be removed from your earth.
"Pray, have great confidence in the knowledge that the eventual victory will be with Heaven. The Father permits these times of trial for the cleansing of man. It is better, My child, this way than to have to cleanse entirely, as in the past. The Father sorrows greatly that Lucifer has thus far been successful in the capture of many souls." - Our Lady, August 14, 1973

"Do not follow the scoffers who continue to say, 'His promise has not and will not come true, to return in the Second Coming.' I assure you I shall come to you all as a thief in the night. Little will you be prepared unless you listen to My Mother's counsel and keep your heart open for the truth. The more you seek riches in this life, the less you will have in Heaven, for they do not coincide, My child and My children. You cannot have a god, symbolized by money, before you, for you will love one and hate the other. And whom will you hate, My children, but Me?" - Jesus, September 7, 1985 

"The gates of hell are open wide; many demons have entered upon earth. And, My children, do not scoff at the supernatural. We look upon all manner of foul actions being committed by Our children upon earth. They scoff at demons; they scoff at the very devil, satan, but what will they do when they realize too late that they cast aside the light and accepted the darkness? For what?
"My children, you must pray much for Our Vicar, Pope Paul, in Rome. There are many Judases about him. I repeat the words of My Son to you that there is a conspiracy afoot, a conspiracy of evil." - Our Lady, December 31, 1976

"My child and My children, We are fully aware of the increase of attacks upon My Mother and upon all the children of the light who shall find it a true crucifixion to remain upon earth.
"My children, I have told you in the past that this is a time of war of the spirits. It is a war far deadlier than any human war using man-made implements upon earth. For now, My children, we are in a war engaged with satan for souls. The eternal light is now being tested upon every human being of conscionable age upon earth. My children, the evil is accelerating. This can only mean that the Ball of Redemption cannot be held back. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption! Do not scoff at My words, O you who have rejected the light, for the skin shall burn from your bodies and blow away!
"My children, as in the past, you are deaf to My calling to you for penance. My Mother has accepted a heavy penalty to rescue you, for She is doing this mission at Her expense, as She listens to all of the blasphemy against Her and Her nature of purity and holiness.
"Satan has his reign, a short reign now, to do upon earth. He is claiming his own. No man, woman, or child shall fall into his grasp and enter hell unless of his own free will. Yes, My children, you are being tested." - Jesus, May 30, 1978

"My child and My children, I need not repeat to you the necessity to retain tradition. It was like a valve, a safeguard from the eruption of My Son's Church, a schism, a division within My Son's House upon earth. I cry unto you, your Mother, as I hasten back and forth bringing you the message, the counsel from Heaven. You must recognize--bishops, cardinals, and pastors, you must recognize what is happening now in My Son's House. There is being rebuilt before your very eyes another religion, another church of man. No angels are helping in this building.
"My children, do not become discouraged. When you meet with trial, you will say, My Jesus, my confidence! I wish all of you to go forward as saints of the latter days, disciples of My Son, and bring the Message from Heaven to all. Do not become discouraged along the way by those who scoff at you or reject this message. Believe Me, My children, when I say to you that My own will know Me.
"Your mission now, My children, is to give each and every one you meet with this message, regardless of race, color, or creed. The message I bring from Heaven is for all mankind. Terrible judgments shall be set upon your world. These judgments will not consider race, creed, or religion." - Our Lady, September 7, 1978


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