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“For this is the will of God, your sanctification.” - 1 Thessalonians 4:3




“With these Rosaries I send you the greatest of graces--graces for cures, graces for conversions. They will now be given in abundance for the sanctification of the souls who come to My sacred grounds.” - Our Lady, August 14, 1972



“I have come to give you a humble lesson, a lesson on the little ways of attaining your sanctification on earth, so you will be certain to enter the Kingdom. As you live your human life upon the earth, you will say to yourself, 'am I pleasing my Jesus?'

   “Many must earn their daily bread. All must earn their daily bread upon the earth. In doing this they will do this with honor. Of the hours you awaken to, you will say, 'this day I give to please my God.' In this manner you will be directed in the light.

   “You have all received in your baptism the opportunity to attain the Kingdom. The road is very simple to follow. You do not look for recognition among men. You look to please your God. You try to please your God. For if you try to find recognition and the approval of man on earth, you are doomed to great sorrow. For all the hours, the waking hours of your life on earth must be with one purpose in mind-that you are working your way back to the Kingdom.” - St. Theresa, December 31, 1972



“I have asked, My Son has asked for many victim souls. The road to sanctification will be in suffering. The penance and sacrifice for atonement to your God for the offenses committed against Him must add and balance the scale more evenly, My children.” - Our Lady, December 30, 1972



“The road to sanctification is not an easy road. We expect all to fall and tumble. But you will pick yourselves up and continue to carry your crosses.

   “We find it necessary at this time to uniform all Mary workers, to unify them. The greatest advantage satan has is when he can divide. All Mary workers must unite for the common cause. Spiritual jealousy and disunity accomplishes nothing.” - Our Lady, July 15, 1973



“Remember, My children, those who have been given graces, much is expected of them.  You must continue to go forward.  Do not slacken in your work, your mission.  Do not become complacent nor content in your own salvation, for that will be pride, and pride can make you fall.  Therefore, in all charity, reach out for your brothers and your sisters.  Your lives must remain free from contamination of worldly pleasures and seeking, for the world has now been given to satan.” - Jesus, June 18, 1980



“You see, My child, all suffering shall be used for the salvation of souls.  None enter into the Kingdom except by the way of the cross.  The road to Heaven is filled with thorns but at the end of the road you will receive a very large bouquet of roses.” - Our Lady, April 5, 1975



“All who seek reform and change will not receive a sanctification from Heaven. Reform and you will die on the vine! My Son is the vinedresser; you are all His children as branches, but you will die on the vine if you conform to the world! O My children, have you had your minds so poisoned by Lucifer that you cannot recognize right from wrong? That you will condone murder? That you no longer know the value of suffering and sacrifice?” - Our Lady, May 23, 1979



“Full dedication is the road to purity, sanctification, and sainthood, My child. There will be many latter-day saints created. But there is a price for it, My child. Remember this when the thorns are heavy and piercing.” - Jesus, November 20, 1978



“Every single soul upon earth that hears My voice this evening has an obligation, for the sanctification of their own souls and the souls of those they love, to listen to Me and follow the direction. I wish that all who hear My words this evening will go forward and besiege, if necessary, the Holy Father and the bishops with a request for this consecration of Russia. We do not mean the world, My children, We mean Russia!” - Jesus, June 17, 1989



“Man will not bend the cross of My Son, setting up man as an idol of worship! Man will bend his own will and subject it to the will of the Father.

   “Yes, My child, you will find in the days ahead that as you fight the tide, the rising tide of evil, you will go forward three steps, falling back one; forward four steps, falling back two. But then your pace will be fast. Perseverance and prayer.

   “Once you divest yourself, My child, of all worldly attachments, you will find that your mission has fewer thorns. However, do not feel affronted, My child. A soul set on the road to sanctification must also make her way forward, step by step, in the will of the Father.” - Our Lady, May 22, 1974



“Do not be deluded by those agents of hell, or those who have been unwittingly and unsuspectingly become enmeshed with the agents of hell.  They will come to you with all seeming good intentions.  But remember, My children, that the road to hell is often paved with good intentions.  I say unto you now as your Mother, as a Mediatrix between God and man, the commandments of the Eternal Father must be followed:  If you break one, you break them all!

   “My children, you will keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world.  You will seek all kinds of opportunity to do sacrifice and penance for the salvation of souls.  For those who have been given in abundance, much is expected of them.” - Our Lady, June 9, 1979



“My child, you must continue your mission with great perseverance. Many arms have been sent to assist you. I cannot promise you a world rich with the goods of your earth. In fact, My child, I will send you on a mission that will strip you of worldly goods for the sanctification of your soul.” - Jesus, November 1, 1975



“My child, listen well and repeat after Me. I understand fully the great suffering that has been allowed to you, My child. Did I not tell you in the past that your road would be covered with thorns? Would I allow you to see all that you must suffer, My child, what value would there be for souls? You must endure with perseverance all trials that are set upon you for your sanctification and the edification of souls upon earth.” - Our Lady, September 7, 1976



“You have the graces and knowledge of truth among you that will guide you in the rescuing of your brothers from satan.  Your example must be one that is constructive.

   “Sin in your country and in the world has become a way of life.  The young recognize nothing but sin.  They have been moderated and become accustomed to vileness in their world of entertainment, godlessness in their government, godlessness in their schools.  Now the main burden of the salvation of their souls will rest with the parents.” - Our Lady, March 18, 1973



“To be a disciple for My Son, the test of love and obedience is great.  No man or woman chosen for the path to Heaven shall go without test.  You will be tested as metals in the fire.  If you love your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your wife, your husband, your children before, and place them between the border of spiritual salvation or destruction of the soul; if you place them first before My Son, you cannot be a disciple for Heaven, and your salvation shall be in the balance.  The road to Heaven is a narrow one.  The roses are given at the end of the road, My child and My children.” - Our Lady, June 13, 1981



“The mission shall progress, My child, with your help and heart. All will appear before your very eyes. Pray, My child, more. Do not involve yourself with too many worldly pursuits. You will bring them to a minimum for your own sanctification and your well-being.” - Our Lady, May 14, 1977



“All prayers must come not from the lips but from the heart.  Do not rush your supplications, for I assure you, My children, there is no time beyond the veil.  The time you give now for the salvation of your souls and the souls for whom you love and pray, will be gathered beyond the veil and your joy will be twofold when you meet and rejoice in the Kingdom of Heaven together.” - Jesus, June 18, 1975



“My child, in the final cleansing many will be removed from the earth. Many good will suffer with the bad, but the good will be triumphant beyond the veil. Learn, My children, the value of suffering for the sanctification of your souls and the souls of those you love.” - Our Lady, June 16, 1973

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Revised: March 27, 2010