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SSPX: Schism - hands down


"My child, this evening there is one more subject that must be resolved and dismissed quickly. All over your country and the world, there are groups forming that have alienated themselves from their hierarchy. I have asked you many times to not form another church. I have asked you to remain and suffer for all of the souls upon earth—suffer, even though you know that the Eternal Father watches what is going on. We do not want a schism. We do not wish that new churches be formed. Though the meaning is well, they can lead to nothing but destruction and schism.
     "We hear all names coming forward to Our ears of churches being born anew, called the Traditional Roman Catholic Church. My child and My children, We need no more Traditionalists running around and creating new churches. We have to remain steadfast and firm in our convictions that with enough prayer, and also the firm example of holiness among many, this will not happen. "We do not condemn those who make these side churches, the Traditional Roman Catholic churches; they mean well, but they are being led astray. There will be eventually an American Catholic Church if this continues. This is not approved by Heaven. Man's judgment can always err, especially when he discounts the knowledge of the supernatural.
     "Remember, My children, I have asked you to remain steadfast in your parish churches, even though it will be a crucifixion to you. We cannot have schism in the United States and Canada. For those who are united shall stand, and those who divide themselves shall fall. My child and My children, do not discount this part of the Message from Heaven. It is most urgent that this breaking away stop now before it evolves into a major schism." - Jesus, September 14, 1985


VIDEO: Cardinal Burke - SSPX in Schism




Schism — Hands Down




"Do not abandon My Son any longer by rejecting His Church. Do not judge My Son's Church by man. The foundation is My Son, Jesus. And though the walls may develop cracks, the foundation is solid. Will you not remain and patch these cracks, My children? We do not wish that you break apart into small groups of discord. No schisms must take place in My Son's Church. For all who are baptized a Roman Catholic must die Roman Catholics to enter Heaven. A rejection of the papacy, a rejection of the Faith because of human reasoning shall not be accepted by the Eternal Father in Heaven. Remain faithful and true forever unto the end.” – Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1979 


The Vortex — Schism — Hands Down

VIDEO: Cardinal Burke - SSPX in Schism

Cardinal Burke: SSPX in Schism

VIDEO: Cardinal Burke: SSPX in Schism


Cardinal Burke slams FSSPX

BISHOP STRICKLAND: In these troubling times with so much confusion even from Rome it is critical to remain IN THE CHURCH. Schismatic movements like SSPX or Sedevacantists however well-intended are an injury to the body of Christ. We must fight for total unity, not just aspects of Catholicism.

SSPX is in the Business of Not Being in Union with the Holy See

Setting the Record Straight About the SSPX — Exclusive interview with John Salza

Why I left the Society of St. Pius X: An Open Letter to Fr. Gołaski

The Story of the Vanishing Schism: the Strange Case of Cardinal Lara



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